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Random Thoughts



  • A Mother Teresa quote:

    Hope it shows up!

    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTMarshacatNotaro
  • Today's Wordle - 4/6
  • edited February 2022
    Grant87 said:
    Today's Wordle - 4/6
    Me too.  I don’t know how long you’ve been playing, but I do think they are getting harder. They say that’s not true, but I believe they are fibbing. 

    Or, my brain is just ticking down the days to poofing out. Yeah. Probably that’s  it. 
  • Grant87 said:
    Today's Wordle - 4/6
    Me too.  I don’t know how long you’ve been playing, but I do think they are getting harder. They say that’s not true, but I believe they are fibbing. 

    Or, my brain is just ticking down the days to poofing out. Yeah. Probably that’s  it. 
    I jumped in late. I've only been playing the last 2 1/2 weeks or so.
    Hedda GablerKurbenGNTLGNTMarshacatNeesyNotaro
  • edited February 2022
    I have a question.  It is more of a guy question but I don’t want to be sexist so if any of you girls do this, chime in. 

    What the fuck is wrong with you that you spit? 😂.  Guys, if your wife, girlfriend, female friend were walking with you and she hacked up a wad of goo and spat it out, would you find that remotely attractive?  Uh, yeah, me neither. 

    Don’t ever— and I mean ever — spit anywhere near me. 

    1. I will vomit on you. On purpose. 
    2. I will never f you. (Not that you want to f me, but, I just want clear ground rules.)
    3. I will not support your black lung issues. 
    4. Boy spit must be such a burden to carry. Better out than in?

    swallow that shit and take one for the team. 


    ps— not judging. 🤣😂😳😈🤓🤓🤓😇😂
  • ....I will spit the maligned loogie if I'm by myself or with other guys...it's kind of like farts and noogies....most of us do this stupid shit amongst out own gender.....there is a small portion of the male DNA helix that got knotted up like an old wall phone cord and permits us to be repulsive whilst knuckle dragging and scratching ourselves....
    MarshaHedda GablercatSundropNeesyNotaro
  • Today's Wordle - 3/6
  • Neesy said:
    A Mother Teresa quote:

    Hope it shows up!

    Often attributed to Mother Teresa but was actually written or possibly compiled from various sources by someone named Kent M. Keith when he was a student at Harvard University in 1968; originally titled the "Paradoxical Commandments of Leadership."
  • Grant87 said:
    Today's Wordle - 3/6
  • edited February 2022

    GNTLGNT said:
    ....I will spit the maligned loogie if I'm by myself or with other guys...it's kind of like farts and noogies....most of us do this stupid shit amongst out own gender.....there is a small portion of the male DNA helix that got knotted up like an old wall phone cord and permits us to be repulsive whilst knuckle dragging and scratching ourselves....
    thanks for answering. What you guys do around each other is different —

    but in the language of love— loogies does not equal “that makes me hot.” 😂😂😂😂

  • Yesterday's wordle I got in 3. Today, 5. 🙄
    MarshaGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesyNotaro
  • Finally broke down last week to find out what all the buzz was about so have only done 6 Wurdles, but 5 out of 6 were with 3 guesses. One took me 5. It helped tremendously when I reread the rules to find out that letters can be reused. That's a few hours of frustration that I'll never get back.
    GNTLGNTHedda GablercatNeesyNotaro
  • Marsha said:
    Neesy said:
    A Mother Teresa quote:

    Hope it shows up!

    Often attributed to Mother Teresa but was actually written or possibly compiled from various sources by someone named Kent M. Keith when he was a student at Harvard University in 1968; originally titled the "Paradoxical Commandments of Leadership."
    I do alright on the rest of it, but I struggle with the forgiveness part.  I sometimes interpret that as "Get Even".  
    GNTLGNTKurbenHedda GablerMarshacatNeesyNotaro

  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....I will spit the maligned loogie if I'm by myself or with other guys...it's kind of like farts and noogies....most of us do this stupid shit amongst out own gender.....there is a small portion of the male DNA helix that got knotted up like an old wall phone cord and permits us to be repulsive whilst knuckle dragging and scratching ourselves....
    thanks for answering. What you guys do around each other is different —

    but in the language of love— loogies does not equal “that makes me hot.” 😂😂😂😂

    Habits Memes
    KurbenHedda GablerMarshacatNeesyNotaro
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....I will spit the maligned loogie if I'm by myself or with other guys...it's kind of like farts and noogies....most of us do this stupid shit amongst out own gender.....there is a small portion of the male DNA helix that got knotted up like an old wall phone cord and permits us to be repulsive whilst knuckle dragging and scratching ourselves....
    I know this guy who thought he would just go ahead and fart right out loud at the beach one fine day.
    ......didn't work out so well for him.  I think the word they use for what actually happened is "shart"  
    GNTLGNTKurbenHedda GablerMarshacatNeesyNotaro
  • ....yeah, getcha a little sand in THAT!.....
    SundropKurbenHedda GablerMarshacatNeesyNotaro
  • Sundrop said:
    Marsha said:
    Neesy said:
    A Mother Teresa quote:

    Hope it shows up!

    Often attributed to Mother Teresa but was actually written or possibly compiled from various sources by someone named Kent M. Keith when he was a student at Harvard University in 1968; originally titled the "Paradoxical Commandments of Leadership."
    I do alright on the rest of it, but I struggle with the forgiveness part.  I sometimes interpret that as "Get Even".  
    I hear you on that one. I go more in the "you're dead to me" direction depending on what/who the offense/offender was. ☺️

  • Today's Wordle - 4/6
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerSundropcatNeesyMarshaNotaro
  • ....forgive and forget?....I am neither Jesus, nor do I have Alzheimer's.....
    Hedda GablerSundropcatKurbenNeesyMarshaNotaro
  • Marsha said:
    Neesy said:
    A Mother Teresa quote:

    Hope it shows up!

    Often attributed to Mother Teresa but was actually written or possibly compiled from various sources by someone named Kent M. Keith when he was a student at Harvard University in 1968; originally titled the "Paradoxical Commandments of Leadership."

    Thanks Marsha! Good to know

    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTMarshaNotaro
  • Don't really have much of a reason to post this (well, sort of in a convoluted fashion)

     - I looked up the lead singer for Looking Glass, the group who sang "Brandy" because I thought he looked a bit like Alice in the video posted in the Music thread

    I ran across this pic plus another one that said Alice Cooper looks like Steve Carell

    Here's Alice with Salvador Dali

    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTMarshaNotaro
  • Today's Wordle - 4/6
    GNTLGNTMarshaHedda GablerNeesyNotaro
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