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Random Thoughts



  • Scott, how far are you from evanston, illinois?
    ....according to my Google maps....a little over 7 hours.......
    NotaroFlakeNoirKurbenHedda Gabler
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Scott, how far are you from evanston, illinois?
    What's happening there? 
    Image result for funny evanston illinois
    NotaroFlakeNoirKurbenHedda Gabler
  • Nothing bad happening there. An artist I really like has a studio store there.  She paints bright happy paintings. 
  • edited February 2021
    I’m starting to get covid rage.  If one more idiot gets their grocery cart and stands in front of all the other carts to wipe it down, i’m going to go bruce lee on them. 

    Covetiquette dictates you grab your cart, walk it to an open area and do your friggin’ Silkwood hose-down of said cart out of everyone’s path. Manners people. It’s not all about you. Get the hell out of my way. 
  • I’m starting to get covid rage.  If one more idiot gets their grocery cart and stands in front of all the other carts to wipe it down, i’m going to go bruce lee on them. 

    Covetiquette dictates you grab your cart, walk it to an open area and do your friggin’ Silkwood hose-down of said cart out of everyone’s path. Manners people. It’s not all about you. Get the hell out of my way. 
    Image result for funny shopping cart cleaning...hold their head under the water long enough, problem solved.....or so I've heard....
    NotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoircat
  • GNTLGNT said:
    I’m starting to get covid rage.  If one more idiot gets their grocery cart and stands in front of all the other carts to wipe it down, i’m going to go bruce lee on them. 

    Covetiquette dictates you grab your cart, walk it to an open area and do your friggin’ Silkwood hose-down of said cart out of everyone’s path. Manners people. It’s not all about you. Get the hell out of my way. 
    Image result for funny shopping cart cleaning...hold their head under the water long enough, problem solved.....or so I've heard....
    I swear.  I vacillate between this wonderful beacon of hope and light to The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.  

    I can't decide at any given moment if I'm going to be irritated beyond my earthly bonds, or if I'm going to be weeping for humanity.  

    Jebus crispus, take a chill pill bitch.
  • 🤣🤣🤣
    GNTLGNTNotaroHedda Gablercat
  • Nothing bad happening there. An artist I really like has a studio store there.  She paints bright happy paintings. 
    This is one of her paintings I just find so whimsical fun.  And, I do a lot of copying of other's art because I can't afford their work, so may do my own version of this.

    Image result for amanda evanston art cats
  • Nothing bad happening there. An artist I really like has a studio store there.  She paints bright happy paintings. 
    This is one of her paintings I just find so whimsical fun.  And, I do a lot of copying of other's art because I can't afford their work, so may do my own version of this.

    Image result for amanda evanston art cats
    ....definitely neat.....here's a thought.....could do your own version and do it with mixed media.....
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoircatMarsha
  • This looks like it could be your new avatar
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTKurbencatMarsha
  • edited February 2021
    Random Thought:

    If you private message 3 different people on this site simultaneously, it automatically spam blocks you.

    @BevVincent is there a possibility of you removing the spam filter on PM's please?
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTNotarocatMarshaSundrop
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Random Thought

    If you private message 3 different people on this site simultaneously, it automatically spam blocks you.

    @BevVincent is there a possibility of you removing the spam filter on PM's please?
    I second that!
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Nothing bad happening there. An artist I really like has a studio store there.  She paints bright happy paintings. 
    This is one of her paintings I just find so whimsical fun.  And, I do a lot of copying of other's art because I can't afford their work, so may do my own version of this.

    Image result for amanda evanston art cats
    ....definitely neat.....here's a thought.....could do your own version and do it with mixed media.....
    So many possibilities to make it my own.  I wish I had my own ideas, but alas, I have no talent in the painting department.  I do a pretty fair job copying someone else, but to do my own original stuff? fuhgeddaboudit.

    I should show you guys some art I did in about 3rd grade.  I actually did them on canvas so they are saved till the end of time.  Eventually, I'm getting them professionally framed.  They are a horrible, terrible no good day's worth of art, but would be so hilariously fun to see treated like a masterpiece.    And when I die, one of my kids will be forced to take it.  Maybe even hang it up in their home.  

  • ....what a freakin' awesome idea!.....I wonder if Mom squirreled away any of my old wood shop "masterpieces"...perfect legacy to leave my sons......everything I made looked like a caveman bowl.....
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerKurbencatMarsha
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Nothing bad happening there. An artist I really like has a studio store there.  She paints bright happy paintings. 
    This is one of her paintings I just find so whimsical fun.  And, I do a lot of copying of other's art because I can't afford their work, so may do my own version of this.

    Image result for amanda evanston art cats
    ....definitely neat.....here's a thought.....could do your own version and do it with mixed media.....
    And to add to what you said scott, I think she has done mixed media with this one.  She uses acrylics and there is some pastel chalks in there, some sharpie action.  And then I think she's used those round sequin things and some glittery threads. 

    It's just silly fun.  I love the creativity of it.  There is no fear here.  

    My butthole tightens up like a really tight butthole when I try to be daring and try new things.  This painting shows complete freedom and a fearless fancy.
  • Good lord. Shut up Dana.
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Nothing bad happening there. An artist I really like has a studio store there.  She paints bright happy paintings. 
    This is one of her paintings I just find so whimsical fun.  And, I do a lot of copying of other's art because I can't afford their work, so may do my own version of this.

    Image result for amanda evanston art cats
    ....definitely neat.....here's a thought.....could do your own version and do it with mixed media.....
    So many possibilities to make it my own.  I wish I had my own ideas, but alas, I have no talent in the painting department.  I do a pretty fair job copying someone else, but to do my own original stuff? fuhgeddaboudit.

    I should show you guys some art I did in about 3rd grade.  I actually did them on canvas so they are saved till the end of time.  Eventually, I'm getting them professionally framed.  They are a horrible, terrible no good day's worth of art, but would be so hilariously fun to see treated like a masterpiece.    And when I die, one of my kids will be forced to take it.  Maybe even hang it up in their home.  

    Everything you ever made was just practice and a lead up to your Pasta Masterpiece that Stephen will now have to one day bequeath to his nearest and dearest. 😁 

    GNTLGNTHedda GablercatMarsha
  • Reminds me a little of a picture I saw up in our local park...

    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbencatNeesyMarsha
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Nothing bad happening there. An artist I really like has a studio store there.  She paints bright happy paintings. 
    This is one of her paintings I just find so whimsical fun.  And, I do a lot of copying of other's art because I can't afford their work, so may do my own version of this.

    Image result for amanda evanston art cats
    ....definitely neat.....here's a thought.....could do your own version and do it with mixed media.....
    And to add to what you said scott, I think she has done mixed media with this one.  She uses acrylics and there is some pastel chalks in there, some sharpie action.  And then I think she's used those round sequin things and some glittery threads. 

    It's just silly fun.  I love the creativity of it.  There is no fear here.  

    My butthole tightens up like a really tight butthole when I try to be daring and try new things.  This painting shows complete freedom and a fearless fancy.
    Good lord. Shut up Dana.
     :D :D :D :D :D :D :D  
    Oh sweet Jesus... give me that farking laptop before you say something really bad. 

    GNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbencatMarsha
  • Notaro said:
    Reminds me a little of a picture I saw up in our local park...

    This could be a photo of me... the hair is a little lighter, but even so...
    NotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbencatNeesyMarsha
  • Good lord. Shut up Dana.
    ....yes!....shut yer butthole.....errrr, piehole.....
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerKurbencatMarsha
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....what a freakin' awesome idea!.....I wonder if Mom squirreled away any of my old wood shop "masterpieces"...perfect legacy to leave my sons......everything I made looked like a caveman bowl.....
    I am saying this with all sincerity -- if you did art as a kid, frame it.  Nicely.  I mean nicely.  Don't just buy some 2 dollar frame.  Get it nicely framed.  It looks so fantastic.  And it's a keepsake to hand down.  

    We've been handed down things from our grandparents and parents. But what do I have to hand down that's me?  Something i bought at Target?  Or Walmart?  Some piece of crap that isn't anything really special?  These little works of art I've done are all of I have.  A bright and creative silly wonderful piece of me to give to all the future kids I'll never see.  I'll never know them.  I'll never get to hug them or tell them stories or play pretend with -- I'll never get to order Lizard Livers or Turtle Toenails from their pretend kitchen.  Or be the hooker pirate who gets to say, "This is my ship now."  Of course, little ones wouldn't know I was a hooker pirate, but in my heart, I would know.

    Find them Scott. Find them and frame them beautifully.  Showcase them like you do your Harlequins and army dioramas because they are even more special because they are YOU.
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