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Random Thoughts



  • Texas Department of Public Safety Accidentally Sends Out AMBER Alert for Chucky 

    FlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNTKurbenNeesyNotaro
  • Texas Department of Public Safety Accidentally Sends Out AMBER Alert for Chucky 

    ......it's no "accident"....he's even cloned himself.....

    Chucky Cosplayers Swarm a Screening of the New Childs Play
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerKurbenNotaro
  • Did you know CT scans are amazing  things? It’s crazy what they discover with those.

    recently i had one and they let me know that they found the crew from the movie Fantastic Voyage floating around in my Dimples of Venus.  They requested some Tab and twinkies. 
  • Did you know CT scans are amazing  things? It’s crazy what they discover with those.

    recently i had one and they let me know that they found the crew from the movie Fantastic Voyage floating around in my Dimples of Venus.  They requested some Tab and twinkies. 
    Twinkies?! That's very bad... I think you should immediately request a second opinion! 😲
  • edited February 2021
    FlakeNoir said:
    Did you know CT scans are amazing  things? It’s crazy what they discover with those.

    recently i had one and they let me know that they found the crew from the movie Fantastic Voyage floating around in my Dimples of Venus.  They requested some Tab and twinkies. 
    Twinkies?! That's very bad... I think you should immediately request a second opinion! 😲
    They asked for those things, not me! I am not a fan of twinkies or tab, and they are sort of stuck in time, and in my dimples of venus. Time has marched on. I don’t think they make either one anymore. 
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Did you know CT scans are amazing  things? It’s crazy what they discover with those.

    recently i had one and they let me know that they found the crew from the movie Fantastic Voyage floating around in my Dimples of Venus.  They requested some Tab and twinkies. 
    Twinkies?! That's very bad... I think you should immediately request a second opinion! 😲
    They asked for those things, not me! I am not a fan of twinkies or tab, and they are sort of stuck in time, and in my dimples of venus. Time has marched on. I don’t think they make either one anymore. 
    Back Dimples Dimples of Venus Causes and If They Need Treatment
    Now I know what Dimples of Venus are! Thanks ☺

    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaro
  • Did you know CT scans are amazing  things? It’s crazy what they discover with those.

    recently i had one and they let me know that they found the crew from the movie Fantastic Voyage floating around in my Dimples of Venus.  They requested some Tab and twinkies. 
    .....Holy Jamoley!......that is frickin' hilarious... the references are genius.....
    NeesyHedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaro
  • Moebius Fantastic Voyage Proteus Science Fiction Plastic Model 132 Scale  963What do guys think of dimples of venus - GirlsAskGuys....."course plotted and laid in or Dimpleville Cap'n".....
    NeesyHedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaro
  • I’m not a big Spike Lee fan, but, the one movie of his I really liked got snubbed for a Golden Globes.  I do think it is the one movie of his that should’ve been nominated. 

    Unfortunately, Spike doesn’t know how to have class in these situations. Stay tuned for poor sportitude.  Can’t wait to hear his little tirade, gnashing of teeth, stomping of feet. 

  • I’m not a big Spike Lee fan, but, the one movie of his I really liked got snubbed for a Golden Globes.  I do think it is the one movie of his that should’ve been nominated. 

    Unfortunately, Spike doesn’t know how to have class in these situations. Stay tuned for poor sportitude.  Can’t wait to hear his little tirade, gnashing of teeth, stomping of feet. 

    ...boy are you ever right on that!.....waaaaaaaa, and not to be hot topicky, but it'll be because "the man" is putting him down.....
    Hedda GablerNotaro
  • edited February 2021
    GNTLGNT said:
    I’m not a big Spike Lee fan, but, the one movie of his I really liked got snubbed for a Golden Globes.  I do think it is the one movie of his that should’ve been nominated. 

    Unfortunately, Spike doesn’t know how to have class in these situations. Stay tuned for poor sportitude.  Can’t wait to hear his little tirade, gnashing of teeth, stomping of feet. 

    ...boy are you ever right on that!.....waaaaaaaa, and not to be hot topicky, but it'll be because "the man" is putting him down.....
    And continuing along the lines of staying away from HT and just discussing a person in general:

    When these nominations are handed out, many times Spike is in the running or part of his team is.  And I have agreed every time that he shouldn't win, whatever that category was. I mean, he has taken home awards.  He just throws a fit when he doesn't get the ones he wants.  While I never see every single film nominated, I've not always agreed with who did win.  But I've always believed that the ones I have seen were stronger stories than Spike's.  Whether they were the ones to win or not.  

    And of course, movies are nominated for many different things -- costumes, cinematography, director, screenplay etc...  So, it takes a village to make a movie and some of his team might completely deserve their awards when he has fallen short to deliver.

     I am not Spike's targeted audience, but he does want to school me.  I'm sure his stories are so meaningful and powerful to his main target audience. I don't mind being schooled though.   He does it in Da 5 Bloods which I think totally worked with that movie.  I liked the story, I liked the characters, I loved the historical aspect of what he inserted -- it was a good movie.  So, I think it should've been nominated.   But, maybe the things that were nominated were stronger.

    Does Spike have the right to be angry? Yes.  Does he have the right to be disappointed? Yes.  Does he have the right to think the body who nominates got it wrong? Yes.  But, he is so arrogant.  Maybe you just didn't do the job.  It has nothing to do with you as a person.  It isn't personal.   I HOPE. 

    Of course, I don't know all the undercurrents of hollywood, so I could be totally naive about this.  And I accept that I could be.  But he also needs to accept that just maybe his work wasn't the strongest.  It's very insulting to the people who do win.  Just be gracious, congratulate the winner, applaud the team that brought it to the screen and get over yourself.  And kick ass next time.

  • GNTLGNT said:
    I’m not a big Spike Lee fan, but, the one movie of his I really liked got snubbed for a Golden Globes.  I do think it is the one movie of his that should’ve been nominated. 

    Unfortunately, Spike doesn’t know how to have class in these situations. Stay tuned for poor sportitude.  Can’t wait to hear his little tirade, gnashing of teeth, stomping of feet. 

    ...boy are you ever right on that!.....waaaaaaaa, and not to be hot topicky, but it'll be because "the man" is putting him down.....
    And continuing along the lines of staying away from HT and just discussing a person in general:

    When these nominations are handed out, many times Spike is in the running or part of his team is.  And I have agreed every time that he shouldn't win, whatever that category was. I mean, he has taken home awards.  He just throws a fit when he doesn't get the ones he wants.  While I never see every single film nominated, I've not always agreed with who did win.  But I've always believed that the ones I have seen were stronger stories than Spike's.  Whether they were the ones to win or not.  

    And of course, movies are nominated for many different things -- costumes, cinematography, director, screenplay etc...  So, it takes a village to make a movie and some of his team might completely deserve their awards when he has fallen short to deliver.

     I am not Spike's targeted audience, but he does want to school me.  I'm sure his stories are so meaningful and powerful to his main target audience. I don't mind being schooled though.   He does it in Da 5 Bloods which I think totally worked with that movie.  I liked the story, I liked the characters, I loved the historical aspect of what he inserted -- it was a good movie.  So, I think it should've been nominated.   But, maybe the things that were nominated were stronger.

    Does Spike have the right to be angry? Yes.  Does he have the right to be disappointed? Yes.  Does he have the right to think the body who nominates got it wrong? Yes.  But, he is so arrogant.  Maybe you just didn't do the job.  It has nothing to do with you as a person.  It isn't personal.   I HOPE. 

    Of course, I don't know all the undercurrents of hollywood, so I could be totally naive about this.  And I accept that I could be.  But he also needs to accept that just maybe his work wasn't the strongest.  It's very insulting to the people who do win.  Just be gracious, congratulate the winner, applaud the team that brought it to the screen and get over yourself.  And kick ass next time.

    Image result for mic drop gif
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerKurbenNotaro
  • edited February 2021
    Foot Peels.

    Do them.

    I have tried 4 different ones.  The most expensive one at 25 dollars for one set of booties did the worst job.  Full disclosure, I do have nice feet and I maintain them so I might not have had as much to exfoliate when I did that one.

    BUT, I did have a moment in time here a few months ago when my feet were approaching Troll.  And I did a 4.99 foot peel that was amazing.  

    Anyway, I would highly recommend them.  Follow the instructions for the best results.  

    This is what it does and it leaves your feet silky soft.  (these are not my feet.)

  • Foot Peels.

    Do them.

    I have tried 4 different ones.  The most expensive one at 25 dollars for one set of booties did the worst job.  Full disclosure, I do have nice feet and I maintain them so I might not have had as much to exfoliate when I did that one.

    BUT, I did have a moment in time here a few months ago when my feet were approaching Troll.  And I did a 4.99 foot peel that was amazing.  

    Anyway, I would highly recommend them.  Follow the instructions for the best results.  

    This is what it does and it leaves your feet silky soft.  (these are not my feet.)

    Arrrrrgh,  that looks terrifying! I told you I don't do horror! 😳
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerNotaroKurbenNeesy
  • No seriously, if you have rough feet or calluses, this will totally peel those off. And if you are like me, a person who likes to peel sunburns, you’ll love this. Although they recommend you don’t peel for fear you will tear healthy skin  — f that! I’m peeling. 
  • News item:

    Rapper found dead outside Baskin Robbins with empty hole in his forehead. 

  • I'd say he has a 24M bullseye
    Hedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirKurbenGNTLGNTNeesy
  • .....self-centered idiocy like that continues to rile me to no end....c'mpn cuz!!....skip the Rainbow Brite BS and help your fellow men, women and children that have nowhere to live and no idea where their next meal will come from....maybe buy a house for a veteran that helped defend your right to be a self-absorbed azzhole.....
    KurbenHedda GablerNeesy
  • Foot Peels.

    Do them.

    I have tried 4 different ones.  The most expensive one at 25 dollars for one set of booties did the worst job.  Full disclosure, I do have nice feet and I maintain them so I might not have had as much to exfoliate when I did that one.

    BUT, I did have a moment in time here a few months ago when my feet were approaching Troll.  And I did a 4.99 foot peel that was amazing.  

    Anyway, I would highly recommend them.  Follow the instructions for the best results.  

    This is what it does and it leaves your feet silky soft.  (these are not my feet.)

    Way back in 2000 I had some surgery - not sure if it was a result of the anesthetic or what, but I ended up with skin peeling like this on both my hands and my feet - it was weird but finally settled down

    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoirNotaro
  • Scott, how far are you from evanston, illinois?
  • Scott, how far are you from evanston, illinois?
    What's happening there? 
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