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Random Thoughts



  • Nerd.   :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTNotarocatMarshaKurben
  • Randomness:

    At night, I'm a mouth breather.  Which means my mouth will get so dry -- drier than Jessica Tandy's honeypot.  My tongue is literally stuck to my teeth or my cheek -- almost like I used Gorilla Glue.

    Anyway, I keep a bottle of water by me to sip on during the night.  And of course, that means, I have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

    Have you ever tried really really hard to ignore those signals?  You sort of wake up having to go, but you think, 'I'll just fall back asleep and my body will forget about it.'  But of course, it doesn't.  So then you try to go to the bathroom without letting your mind engage, because if you let it, you'll start down the road of If You Give a Mouse a Cookie sh*t.  And then you're awake.  

    I try to stay sleepy. I try to stay focused on the dream. And because I do that, I bounce off walls like a pinball.  

    I did that last night.  I hurt my arm.
  • ...."drier than Jessica Tandy's honeypot".....pure comedic genius.....
  • edited February 2021
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...."drier than Jessica Tandy's honeypot".....pure comedic genius.....
    I think I stole that from someone.  I don't think it was Jessica Tandy, but the phrase is not mine.  

    Actually, I think it might have be Stephen King.
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...."drier than Jessica Tandy's honeypot".....pure comedic genius.....
    I think I stole that from someone.  I don't think it was Jessica Tandy, but the phrase is not mine.  

    Actually, I think it might have be Stephen King.
    I'm a little afraid to Google "Jessica Tandy"... with or without her honey pot.  Okay, more afraid... with.
    GNTLGNTNotarocatHedda GablerMarshaKurbenNeesyspideyman
  • FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...."drier than Jessica Tandy's honeypot".....pure comedic genius.....
    I think I stole that from someone.  I don't think it was Jessica Tandy, but the phrase is not mine.  

    Actually, I think it might have be Stephen King.
    I'm a little afraid to Google "Jessica Tandy"... with or without her honey pot.  Okay, more afraid... with.
    Image result for jessica tandy
    Image result for honey pot

    FlakeNoircatNotaroHedda GablerMarshaKurbenspideyman
  • I’m sure osnafrank (should have been an astronaut) is pretty excited today —the Mars rover landed. Haven’t seen any coverage so not sure how it went. 
  • ....very tickled that Perseverance made it......absolutely fascinating.....but does anyone aside from me wonder, if we can fling a spacecraft that far out and land it safely-why the Texas power grid can't stay on-line?.....
    FlakeNoirKurbenHedda GablerMarshacat
  • Sigh. I'm a bit over this spam blocker.  If you're trying to speak with 2 people at the same time in separate PM's, you're blocked. 

    @BevVincent please could we remove this option? It feels very unnecessary. 
    NotaroGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Sigh. I'm a bit over this spam blocker.  If you're trying to speak with 2 people at the same time in separate PM's, you're blocked. 

    @BevVincent please could we remove this option? It feels very unnecessary. 
    I agree, it is a bit of a nuisance. 
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • edited February 2021
    I am getting a little disappointed.  Just because i don’t have a Twitter or Facebook account doesn’t mean I don’t follow people. Well, a lot of facebooks you can’t follow, so i focus more on Twitter personalities.

    So many authors especially, or publishing houses run contests or giveaways that i can’t participate in because i don’t tweet, i don’t fauxbook.  

    Bums me out. My money is green too. My fan-ism is valid. Just because I refuse to sell my soul to tech, shouldn’t mean i don’t count.  Which,  book giveaways and contests shutting me out is a bit ironic.  I would think authors would feel a little solidarity with old  school  consumers supporting book stores.

    many talk the talk , but they aren’t walking the walk of including brick and mortar buyers who don’t want to be part of the tech fish pond of gathering my information . 

    And yes, i use tech everyday. My information is being gathered every minute. But unless you’re just being obtuse, i think you know what i mean and the difference . 
  • And just adding to my babble above,  I totally understand the use of Twitter and Facebook, instagram, Grindr -- whatever!!!  to market your books. I get it.  Old school people are dying out.  And the new Tech Gods are moving in.  So, you have to stay connected to your future audience.  But man! I brought you (and bought you) to the party!  Don't turn your back on me.

  • ...agreed, don't leave the date that brought you to the dance....this is the only social media I'm involved with, and I'm happy with that....to tell you the level of Luddite I've achieved-I have stopped following and buying Dean Koontz material....his last few releases have all been e-book format....to hell with that!!.....you like that, fine-but make a "grab it in my hands and let me rattle the pages" version available as well......dammit!....
  • Even when they want to give away a tangible book, it is only offered to people signed up, even though i am following them too. 

    If the publisher is offering, a lot of times you can enter by going to their web site.  But authors doing a giveaway don’t have that back door chance. It’s twitter or facebook entry only .   And hell! It’s their giveaway and they can do what they want — i just wish i had a chance too. 
  • edited February 2021
    Posted in wrong thread— nothing to see here (as i wave my hand across your eyes) these are not the golden globes you seek. 
  • Posted in wrong thread— nothing to see here (as i wave my hand across your eyes) these are not the golden globes you seek. 

    Are you watching the Golden Globes awards? I have it set up to record

    NotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNTMarsha
  • Posted in wrong thread— nothing to see here (as i wave my hand across your eyes) these are not the golden globes you seek. 
    Tulsa therapy center brings Star Wars to life for kids with autism
    FlakeNoirKurbenHedda GablerMarshaNotaro
  • edited March 2021
    Do you all know how important Vitamin D really, truly is?  I think everyone thinks they know it's sort of, kind of important. But, I'm telling you, it's right up there with breathing important.

    I am on a massive prescription dose of Vitamin D. I take it once a week.  After 4 weeks of taking it, oh man!  What a difference.  My sleep numbers have improved a lot.  I have more energy.  I'm feeling more positive.  It also helps that the weather has been cooperating and we are headed into spring, but I think most of my well-being is due to actually having Vitamin D in my body -- such a boost!

    So, while everyone is struggling, depressed, anxious, worried, angry and not able to really get out there, have your doctor check your D levels.  It could really make a huge difference.  

  • Do you all know how important Vitamin D really, truly is?  I think everyone thinks they know it's sort of, kind of important. But, I'm telling you, it's right up there with breathing important.

    I am on a massive prescription dose of Vitamin D. I take it once a week.  After 4 weeks of taking it, oh man!  What a difference.  My sleep numbers have improved a lot.  I have more energy.  I'm feeling more positive.  It also helps that the weather has been cooperating and we are headed into spring, but I think most of my well-being is due to actually having Vitamin D in my body -- such a boost!

    So, while everyone is struggling, depressed, anxious, worried, angry and not able to really get out there, have your doctor check your D levels.  It could really make a huge difference.  

    This is the sunshine vitamin isn't it?
    I'm glad you've had positive results with this. 😊
    Hedda GablerNotaroGNTLGNTKurbenMarshacat
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Do you all know how important Vitamin D really, truly is?  I think everyone thinks they know it's sort of, kind of important. But, I'm telling you, it's right up there with breathing important.

    I am on a massive prescription dose of Vitamin D. I take it once a week.  After 4 weeks of taking it, oh man!  What a difference.  My sleep numbers have improved a lot.  I have more energy.  I'm feeling more positive.  It also helps that the weather has been cooperating and we are headed into spring, but I think most of my well-being is due to actually having Vitamin D in my body -- such a boost!

    So, while everyone is struggling, depressed, anxious, worried, angry and not able to really get out there, have your doctor check your D levels.  It could really make a huge difference.  

    This is the sunshine vitamin isn't it?
    I'm glad you've had positive results with this. 😊
    Yes.  I didn't even know it could be prescription dose.  I hope my L, M, N, O and P are okay.
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Do you all know how important Vitamin D really, truly is?  I think everyone thinks they know it's sort of, kind of important. But, I'm telling you, it's right up there with breathing important.

    I am on a massive prescription dose of Vitamin D. I take it once a week.  After 4 weeks of taking it, oh man!  What a difference.  My sleep numbers have improved a lot.  I have more energy.  I'm feeling more positive.  It also helps that the weather has been cooperating and we are headed into spring, but I think most of my well-being is due to actually having Vitamin D in my body -- such a boost!

    So, while everyone is struggling, depressed, anxious, worried, angry and not able to really get out there, have your doctor check your D levels.  It could really make a huge difference.  

    This is the sunshine vitamin isn't it?
    I'm glad you've had positive results with this. 😊
    Yes.  I didn't even know it could be prescription dose.  I hope my L, M, N, O and P are okay.
    Definitely check your P. 
    Hedda GablerNotaronot_nadineGNTLGNTKurbenMarshacat
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