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TWEETS from the Twitsters



  • Oops that was Stephen King's tweet - his name didn't show up
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir

  • You used to be a good author.

    I know. Those were the days, right?
    KurbenGNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • edited May 2024
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTKurbenFlakeNoir
  • Stephen King said this:

    “Another phrase I can do without: “Doubles down.” It should only apply to blackjack hands.”

    well, I’m gonna keep right on using it with these nazi bastards because they are gambling — with our future. 

    But hey, I’ll quit using it when he quits using “coming of age.”

  • And, I’m surprised Stephen has made no comment about Roger Corman. Stephen grew up watching his stuff, being mesmerized and inspired by all that B flick goodness. 

    If he has, can someone post link here? 
  • Okay, honest, this is a funny. 

    Go to fbi.gov jan 6th

    go to photo 268 AFO B. 

    I think someone needs to turn in Rick Moranis.
  • Look at that. Wasn‘t he in a movie wearing that same helmet? 

  • ....reliving his "Dark Helmet" days maybe?....
    KurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • This book by Sharon Kitchens is really interesting. Not all of it is right, but most of it is.

    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • ....who cares about the book-I want the shirt!.....
    KurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • edited May 2024
    GNTLGNT said:
    ....who cares about the book-I want the shirt!.....
    ...thank you!!....mine is on the way....
    BevVincentKurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • Bev tweeted about the Keene/Golden anthology and details are slowly coming out. Sounds like a great read.

    I know everyone brought their A game to the project and I anticipate unique stories. Knowing we get glimpses into places outside the U.S. just makes this even more intriguing. 

    I’m not an author, but “in my own little corner in my own little chair,” I would’ve contributed a story about me and VERA (the lead in the BBC’s series about her as detective chief inspector) investigating this “Captain Trips” fellow and his crime ring of virus henchmen. 

    We would charm him by calling him “pet” and “love” and VERA would smother him in her raincoated bosom and we would take over Northumberland forming a vicious gang that demanded loyalty from our droogies. 

    Uhhh. Yeah. Just go with it. 

  • ....."A Clockwork Snuggie".....
    KurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • Sk tweet

    Although not stated specifically, I think Catriona Ward's story in the book of stories about THE STAND (THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT) takes place in South Africa. It's an absolutely stunning piece of short fiction

    Bev tweet

    Bev Vincent (@BevVincent) posted at 0:13 PM on Thu, Jun 06, 2024:
    What Happened In Stephen King's The Stand Outside Of The United States? Fans Will Apparently Soon Find Out https://t.co/6qYENhJTlw

    GNTLGNTFlakeNoirHedda Gabler
  • edited August 2024
    Why am I going to throw out my two-bits on this? Because, not everything is racist, dammit. While it is not their fault that this topic keeps getting put in the press, it is their fault how people are thinking about it. 

    Harry and Meghan continue to squeeze the royal jewels. Do they drive me nuts? Yes. Do I continue to pay attention? Yes. But so many headlines start out with the latest royal crisis and end up churning in racism, "Harry and Meghan Might Lose Their Titles and Oh! By the Way, Someone Questioned the Color of Their Unborn Baby's Skin." GASP! 

    Now, can I say with certainty that this comment WASN'T racist? No. But the way Harry spins every interaction with The Firm, I don't believe him. He played a game of telephone/telegraph. He heard the question, I have no doubt. But was it said with a racist intent? I don't know. Tone matters. Content matters. Conversation matters. He took what he heard and told Meghan and Meghan told Oprah, and Oprah told the world. And everyone wrung their hands in dismay and outrage. It's as ridiculous as "Wynken will tell Blynken and Blynken will tell Nod. Nod will tell Barney and Barney will tell you."

    Here's another side of this. My ancestry is dominated by Ireland, Great Britain, Scotland and Wales. So take a guess what my coloring might be? My husband, while he checks the box as "Caucasian", has ancestry that includes darker skin. And guess what? His coloring is dark brown eyes, coal black hair, and olive skin that tans like a little brown coffee bean. Since he works outdoors, he pretty much is in a constant state of tan. I so wanted all my children to look as beautiful as him.

    When I got pregnant with my first baby, (and all other babies), I was absolutely thrilled and fascinated by them. I followed a book called, "A Child Is Born" by Lennart Nilsson that gave monthly photos in utero of a baby's development. Your kid has fingernails now. Your baby is developing hair. All those amazing things that if the stars align correctly, your little human continues to get.

    And I wondered every single day, "What is he going to look like?" "WHO is he going to look like?"

    Will my baby be tall like me or short like the jockey-sized people from my husband's side of the family? Will he have my blue eyes or my husband's gorgeous brown eyes? Will my baby have my blond hair or my husband's black as a coal-mine hair? Will my child have my fair SKIN or my husband's olive coloring? 

    Anyone who has been involved in making a baby -- if you haven't wondered any of this, you are a dullard and you see no magic in the world.

    So, while I was not in that room with Harold, I will not jump on that indignant, sad-face racist bullshit.  Again, I have no doubt someone asked/said it.  I believe it was said.  But, how was it said? With a complete fascination for a beautiful baby or with pitchforks and torches blazing? 

    Again, I don't trust Harry much to accurately relay that story. He saw what he wanted to see. He heard what he wanted to hear. And he weaponized it. 

    Anyone who is sucking down the laughing gas while his wife is giving birth might just be a few steps into fantasyland WTFuckery.
  • ....summation par excellance.....(typed in a snooty French fashion)....
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • edited August 2024

    May be an image of 1 person and text
    GNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • ....I'm glad....that platform is infected with human fu*kery....
    Hedda Gabler
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