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TWEETS from the Twitsters



  • edited August 2021
    I just stumbled on a huge discovery.

     I have Twitsters I check out and as I've mentioned, it won't let me see conversation threads. I click on anything trying to see them and it pops up with a JOIN box.  Ugh.  I used to be able to read strings of convos about interesting posts.  I used to be able to click on someone's tweet name and it would take me to their tweet home.  But not any more.  ON MY PHONE.  

    Currently I'm on my Macbook computer, I clicked on an interesting tweet and guess what? I can see conversations. I can go to someone's Tweet home. So obviously, something recently changed on my iphone.  something got checked or unchecked.  Does anyone know what that would be? Where I would find it?  Because I do most of my viewing on my phone so I don't have to pull out my cumbersome laptop.

    Be my hero.  Guide me Obi wan Kenobi.
  • I just stumbled on a huge discovery.

     I have Twitsters I check out and as I've mentioned, it won't let me see conversation threads. I click on anything trying to see them and it pops up with a JOIN box.  Ugh.  I used to be able to read strings of convos about interesting posts.  I used to be able to click on someone's tweet name and it would take me to their tweet home.  But not any more.  ON MY PHONE.  

    Currently I'm on my Macbook computer, I clicked on an interesting tweet and guess what? I can see conversations. I can go to someone's Tweet home. So obviously, something recently changed on my iphone.  something got checked or unchecked.  Does anyone know what that would be? Where I would find it?  Because I do most of my viewing on my phone so I don't have to pull out my cumbersome laptop.

    Be my hero.  Guide me Obi wan Kenobi.
    May the Force be with you!!
    FlakeNoirspideymanGNTLGNTMarshaHedda Gabler
  • edited August 2021
    I just stumbled on a huge discovery.

     I have Twitsters I check out and as I've mentioned, it won't let me see conversation threads. I click on anything trying to see them and it pops up with a JOIN box.  Ugh.  I used to be able to read strings of convos about interesting posts.  I used to be able to click on someone's tweet name and it would take me to their tweet home.  But not any more.  ON MY PHONE.  

    Currently I'm on my Macbook computer, I clicked on an interesting tweet and guess what? I can see conversations. I can go to someone's Tweet home. So obviously, something recently changed on my iphone.  something got checked or unchecked.  Does anyone know what that would be? Where I would find it?  Because I do most of my viewing on my phone so I don't have to pull out my cumbersome laptop.

    Be my hero.  Guide me Obi wan Kenobi.
    I've had a good play with it on my phone and I downloaded the Twittwad app, once I'd done this it would show me nothing at all unless I signed up or in. So I uninstalled it.
    Without the app I can see all the tweets, but none of the comments. I did notice there is a "twitter for iphone" notice at the bottom of each tweet, have you tried this?
    I just think they've possibly made a change in order to get the looky loo's signing up, maybe? 

    Sorry am I, your hero I am not.
    spideymanGNTLGNTMarshaHedda GablerNotaro
  • ....Yoda: The College Years.....

    DOTABUFF on Twitter quotThe teammate who lets you know every mistake you39re  making the entire game quot
    KurbenMarshaHedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoir
  • edited August 2021
    FlakeNoir said:
    I just stumbled on a huge discovery.

     I have Twitsters I check out and as I've mentioned, it won't let me see conversation threads. I click on anything trying to see them and it pops up with a JOIN box.  Ugh.  I used to be able to read strings of convos about interesting posts.  I used to be able to click on someone's tweet name and it would take me to their tweet home.  But not any more.  ON MY PHONE.  

    Currently I'm on my Macbook computer, I clicked on an interesting tweet and guess what? I can see conversations. I can go to someone's Tweet home. So obviously, something recently changed on my iphone.  something got checked or unchecked.  Does anyone know what that would be? Where I would find it?  Because I do most of my viewing on my phone so I don't have to pull out my cumbersome laptop.

    Be my hero.  Guide me Obi wan Kenobi.
    I've had a good play with it on my phone and I downloaded the Twittwad app, once I'd done this it would show me nothing at all unless I signed up or in. So I uninstalled it.
    Without the app I can see all the tweets, but none of the comments. I did notice there is a "twitter for iphone" notice at the bottom of each tweet, have you tried this?
    I just think they've possibly made a change in order to get the looky loo's signing up, maybe? 

    Sorry am I, your hero I am not.
    I see nothing that says twitter for iphone. But i’m guessing they wang you to download the app.  Which i eon’t do either. I guess i’m just sh*t outta luck. Thank you for your time though flakers. 
  • edited August 2021
    This is absolutely amazing if i can get it here. Bev posted it on twitter and twitter is bullying me….

  • edited August 2021
    Can you guys see this? Did twit let me grab it?  This is a pencil drawing. Just moves me to tears. 
  • I see it.  It's beautiful
    MarshaHedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoir
  • That is amazing!  What talent.
    BevVincentHedda GablerKurbenGNTLGNTFlakeNoir
  • ....incredibly gifted.......
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirMarsha
  • Steve asks on his twitter, “ what’s the oldest thing in your kitchen you still use?”  My answer would be: Me.

    I slice, dice, chop. Wash, dry and i heat up quickly.

    The cost of running a Dana Jean has been pennies on the dollar.  Not quite as efficient as when newly acquired, but still gets the job done.

  • Steve asks on his twitter, “ what’s the oldest thing in your kitchen you still use?”  My answer would be: Me.

    I slice, dice, chop. Wash, dry and i heat up quickly.

    The cost of running a Dana Jean has been pennies on the dollar.  Not quite as efficient as when newly acquired, but still gets the job done.

    Mine would be the cheese grater. It's older than me. It was a gift to my parents at their engagement party.😁
    My partner is constantly trying to get me to throw it out but is has sentimental value for me. I'm not sure why, this is a marriage that probably never should have happened. 
    KurbenNotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerMarsha
  • *it has

    F'king phone! 
    KurbenNotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerMarsha
  • Steve asks on his twitter, “ what’s the oldest thing in your kitchen you still use?”  My answer would be: Me.

    I slice, dice, chop. Wash, dry and i heat up quickly.

    The cost of running a Dana Jean has been pennies on the dollar.  Not quite as efficient as when newly acquired, but still gets the job done.

    ....despite the occasional leak and a few squeaks....
    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirMarshaNotaro
  • ....the range and oven....original to The Ranch from 1964......my cigarette lighter is probably more efficient at heating a skillet.... :p
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirMarshaNotaro
  • edited September 2021
    Lots of bad words — get over it. 

  • ...well fcuk!!.....
    Hedda Gablernot_nadineFlakeNoirNotaro
  • edited September 2021
    This reminds me of those damn Spirographs I could never figure out. 

  • I loved my Spirograph!
  • I loved my Spirograph!
    Of course you did. 😜🥰

    i was the halfwit trying to muscle the plastic to my will. 
  • ...it was as close as I ever came to being an artist....and the first time I tried to put a push pin through my finger....
    KurbenHedda GablerNotaro
  • Baby made of noodles is my favorite.  
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