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Random Thoughts



  • ....they lied though, glue fingers still leave prints at crime scenes.....or so I've heard....
    NotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoirdoyoulove19Neesycat
  • edited August 2020
    GNTLGNT said:
    ....they lied though, glue fingers still leave prints at crime scenes.....or so I've heard....
    My brother and I had a discussion about DNA and fingerprints etc...

    I told him, "you do know, your fingerprints can be at a crime scene you've never been at."  And he's all, "no they can't."

    I then asked him, "have you ever donated anything to the Goodwill or a place like that?"  "You have probably donated your bodily fluids, hairs and fingerprints for someone to purchase and put in their house, where they are then murdered and your prints are lifted.  Maybe even some hair fibers, possibly a bodily fluid."

    Needless to say, his eyes got very big thinking about that possibility.

    I tried to write a story around that and just didn't have the talent to pull it off.

  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....they lied though, glue fingers still leave prints at crime scenes.....or so I've heard....
    My brother and I had a discussion about DNA and fingerprints etc...

    I told him, "you do know, your fingerprints can be at a crime scene you've never been at."  And he's all, "no they can't."

    I then asked him, "have you ever donated anything to the Goodwill or a place like that?"  "You have probably donated your bodily fluids, hairs and fingerprints for someone to purchase and put in their house, where they are then murdered and your prints are lifted.  Maybe even some hair fibers, possibly a bodily fluid."

    Needless to say, his eyes got very big thinking about that possibility.

    I tried to write a story around that and just didn't have the talent to pull it off.

    ....got a great title for it though........Bile & Gall.......I'll only accept 5 % of your book deal....
    Hedda GablercatFlakeNoirdoyoulove19
  • @BevVincent

    In the profile areas, there is a drop down menu to "give a badge" to someone.  What exactly is this?  Can we give out random badges to people?
  • @BevVincent

    In the profile areas, there is a drop down menu to "give a badge" to someone.  What exactly is this?  Can we give out random badges to people?
    ....I wondered the same thing.....
    Hedda GablerspideymancatNeesydoyoulove19
  • @BevVincent

    In the profile areas, there is a drop down menu to "give a badge" to someone.  What exactly is this?  Can we give out random badges to people?
    ....I just gave you one!......
  • Okay!  I was wondering.  Now, what can I do with it? :D

    Tell me I rule the world.  
  • I just gave you o - o - one too!
  • Okay!  I was wondering.  Now, what can I do with it? :D

    Tell me I rule the world.  
    ....you rule the world my queen.....
    Bow Down To The Queen GIFs  Tenor
    Hedda GablercatNeesyspideymandoyoulove19
  • edited August 2020
    ....thanks for my badge!!!....
    Some COMBOS snack products recalled
    Hedda GablercatNeesyspideymandoyoulove19
  • @BevVincent

    Okay, another question.

    In the profile area, I can click on the button to make myself a moderator or an administrator?    I'm afraid to do that but I want to to see what happens.

    Can I do that?  And then you fix it?   :D
  • @BevVincent

    Okay, another question.

    In the profile area, I can click on the button to make myself a moderator or an administrator?    I'm afraid to do that but I want to to see what happens.

    Can I do that?  And then you fix it?   :D
    Im Sorry Dave Im Afraid I Cant Do That
    Hedda GablercatNeesyspideymandoyoulove19
  • GNTLGNT said:

    Okay, another question.

    In the profile area, I can click on the button to make myself a moderator or an administrator?    I'm afraid to do that but I want to to see what happens.

    Can I do that?  And then you fix it?   :D
    Im Sorry Dave Im Afraid I Cant Do That
    Yeah. I ain't pushing those buttons without Bev giving the okay.  That's a no way, no how situation.
  • Oh snap!  Jake Shimabukuro has a masterclass on the Ukelele!  aiaiaiaiiaiaaaa!!!! 

  • My very favorite new hero.

  • My very favorite new hero.

    ....that is awesome.....
  • @BevVincent

    Okay, another question.

    In the profile area, I can click on the button to make myself a moderator or an administrator?    I'm afraid to do that but I want to to see what happens.

    Can I do that?  And then you fix it?   :D
    Is it still there? I turned off ranks and tweaked some other flags. Please do not click on the button.
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTcatNeesyFlakeNoirspideymandoyoulove19
  • No, i don’t see it now. I would have never clicked on it without your permission
  • GNTLGNT said:

    In the profile areas, there is a drop down menu to "give a badge" to someone.  What exactly is this?  Can we give out random badges to people?
    ....I just gave you one!......
    Really Scott.... 

    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTcatspideymandoyoulove19
  • Notaro said:
    GNTLGNT said:

    In the profile areas, there is a drop down menu to "give a badge" to someone.  What exactly is this?  Can we give out random badges to people?
    ....I just gave you one!......
    Really Scott.... 

    ....HEY!.....those who give must also be able to receive!!.....well played Sparky, well played...
    You Got Me by recyclebin - Meme Center
    NotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoircatspideymandoyoulove19
  • ....if weights became invisible, a gym would turn into a slow-motion disco.....
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesycatNotarospideymandoyoulove19
  • @doyoulove19 -- come tell us more about your cemetery job.  What is the most devastating death or note in the margins you've come across?  Weirdest? Funniest (if there is one)?  

    Any ghosts or hauntings talked about?  Mysteries?  

    I think your volunteer work for the cemetery is fascinating.
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