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New King story coming up in McSweeney's #27

edited February 2008 in General news
McSweeney's 27 comes to you as three separate books in a windowed slipcase, presenting six different possible faces to the world, in order to best match your home décor. Book One plunges into the grayish, faintly understood area of the art world involving oddly drawn objects coupled with uncertainly spelled text. Book Two is a never-before-seen 72-page sketchbook by the legendary Art Spiegelman. Book Three collects new stories by Stephen King, Jim Shepard, and fiveish others.

I don't have a release date for this issue (probably April/May '08) or a title for the story yet.


  • The story is "A Very Tight Place."
  • It's not for the squeamish. In fact, it would make a good (albeit very long) entry in the WHC gross-out contest! The story is over 70 pages long and features the first (to my recollection) gay protagonist in a King story. I read it in two sittings and I liked it a lot. Another Florida tale.
  • luckily, i have a three-hour train ride to D.C. tomorrow evening, so i should be able to polish it off in one sitting.

  • notdarkyet,

    do you have an advance copy? It hasn't come out yet has it?
  • It doesn't come out until sometime in early May, but the publisher has been providing copies of the story for review.
  • The release date is May 1st.

  • My mostly spoiler free review of A Very Tight Place is now up at CD's blog
  • Chapter's up here lists it being available as of May 10th.
  • Stephen King's "Inferno", a rather scathing review of "A Very Tight Place."
  • Finally got a chance to read this. I thoroughly enjoyed it and laughed out loud several times which drew looks at the Chapters where I read it.
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