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The Running Man?

edited December 2007 in General news
From TVSquad.com

And the world moves one step closer to Stephen King's The Running Man. Yahoo! reports that Sci Fi Channel has ordered to pilot Run for Money, a game show in which contestants are stalked by "hunters" for 60 minutes and earn money for every second they "stay alive." Contestants can quit at any time and if caught lose everything they've earned up to that point.

In King's novel, which was later made into an Ahnuld Guvernator film, a single contestant is chased by an elite group of "Hunters" and earns $100 for each hour he stays alive. If caught, they kill him but if he survives for 30 days he gets a billion dollars.

So see, they're really nothing alike at all. And I guess those quotes in the original article mean that on the Sci Fi show they aren't real hunters and nobody actually gets killed. Still, we're getting America used to the idea of hunting one another for entertainment and money. The foundation is being laid for better game shows to come.


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