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The Science of Stephen King
"What a treasure house is this book! Robots, space aliens, Einstein, black holes, time travel-- these themes, and much more, from Stephen King's amazing books are opened up like toy chests by Robert Weinberg and Lois Gresh. It's tremendous fun, entirely educational, and a great tribute to King." --Peter Straub
"The Science of Stephen King appeals to both the scientist and the long-time reader of Stephen King in me. Weinberg and Gresh use concepts from King's fiction as launching pads for in-depth explorations of concepts as diverse as ESP, pyrokinesis, time travel, artificial intelligence, quantum chemistry, alternate realities, string theory, and the possibility that we'll be visited by aliens or that we'll face a global pandemic. Their broad knowledge of the history of science fiction also allows them to trace each of these concepts to their fictional origins in seminal stories and novels from the days of the pulps...and beyond. In a style reminiscent of science populists like Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov, they present challenging concepts-- such as the possibility that the world we live in consists of nearly a dozen dimensions instead of just three-- in clear, easy-to-grasp language. They don't stretch beyond the limits of credibility-- if something is scientifically unlikely or patently impossible, they show why rather than hand-wave an explanation. If you've ever read Stephen King's works and asked yourself what's real and what could be real, you might be surprised by the answers Weinberg and Gresh provide. As they so cleverly explain, much of what Stephen King writes about in his novels is closer to reality than you might think." --Bev Vincent, Ph.D., author of The Road to the Dark Tower
"Robert Weinberg and Lois Gresh's The Science of Stephen King is not only a superb overview of King's use in his stories of scientific concepts like ESP, aliens, time travel, artificial intelligence, parallel universes, and teleportation, it is also an excellent primer on everything from quantum physics and genetic engineering to nanotechnology and the scientific roots of obsession. Plus, it's written in a clear, entertaining, and understandable manner. And considering all the scary talk lately about pandemic flu, their chapter on The Stand is timely as hell." --Stephen Spignesi, author of The Complete Stephen King Encyclopedia, The Lost Work of Stephen King, The Essential Stephen King
"Bob Weinberg and Lois Gresh have done it again-- made sense out of seeming chaos. A fun, fun read. Even if you don't like science, it's a great way to revisit all those beloved Stephen King novels of yore.' --F. Paul Wilson
This is the first book to examine the science that wreaks havoc in many of Stephen King’s greatest works. It offers a fun, penetrating probe into psi powers, quantum chemistry, longevity and genetic research, biological warfare, and more. A must for his tens of millions of fans.
Lois H. Gresh (Scottsville, NY) and Robert Weinberg(Oak Forest, IL) have written numerous books together, including The Science of Superheroes and The Science of Supervillains. Paperback, 272 pages. Available August 31, 2007 from Wiley.
I would like to direct you and your reader’s attention to event The New York Academy of Sciences is holding on November 29: The Science of Stephen King: From Carrie to Cell, The Terrifying Truth Behind the Horror Master's Fiction. I hope that it will be of interest to your community.