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How about Roland enters the room and the door slams shut behind him and locks forever and he becomes the ruler of the tower and must stay there forever and a day! Nah - that's stupid too!
Personally, I 'm satisfied wit the ending. I like King because you never know what curve he might throw. He killed the boy in Cujo, he killed the boy and brought him back evil in Pet Semetery, he killed of Johnny Smith for crissakes, but the worst of it all he killed Wolf! Well he didn't really kill them - he just let them die.
And come to think of it what about all the great characters in The Stand that he killed off! Need another unhappy ending - what about Storm of the Century.
I like this ending much more than the Bilbo Baggins type ending "and they lived happily ever after!"
I really got what I wanted - for Stevie boy to finish the story!
I think it's very uplifting.
But of course your right ----- It is King's vision that counts.
But I would not puke if it ended that way - or a way similar to it.
I guess I just wanted SOMETHING nice for old Roland.
Hey -the Lord of the Rings has a sweet and sour ending if ya ask me. Sure the ring is destroyed - but you still feel all the death and destruction the war has caused (environmental as well as human). I did not think it was exactly Happy ever after - Maybe the Hobbit was I havent read it in so long now I can't remember.
But now you've got me off track ;D
One other thing that I wonder about, didn't Blaine say some thing about an instrument being played at some level of the tower? His circuits might have been seriously fried, but I think it was an oversight (albeit not an important one).
This of course begs the bigger question of how HK and I live harmoniously in the same house when he so glaringly ignores my personal feelings about DTIV. ;D
*passes Bob a Rolaid, saving some for sheepish when I start talking about Ashton Kutcher again :P*
Steve, you know I laughed my a*s*s off when I read your "nice neat package* cause I told you I did.. but hey, if there has to be an idealistic romantic ending, why not that?
Lin 8)
I just had to comment about how "worst of all, he killed Wolf."
I have never cried as hard as I did when Wolf died....until poor, brave little Oy died. It broke my heart.
Welcome Linda.
Tobey, I felt bad for Roland also, but he should have never been mean to Oy in the first place.
Oooh Dukky, that's a good point at least for Oy - I think maybe that happened with me too, it was like, okay, what's next by that time.
Guess I was wrong! ;D
Bob, I found the "face" thing a little anti-climatic with Susannah except that it showed Patrick's power when he erased it.
Yep - I was pretty much expecting Susannah to bite the dust before Oy and just had a sense of foreboding that it would happen to Oy also, since Roland was destined to enter the Dark Tower alone.
I must admit I liked how King was able to fulfil the prophesy of Oy's death that Roland saw in the Wizard's Glass in DTIV. Not that I wanted it to happen that way, but it was clever.
Lin, I saw your post elsewhere where you said you felt that Susannah had cried off somewhat by leaving through the door. I understand, but I'm more with Susannah on this one. She had no motivation to be there - the Tower had been saved, the ka-tet was broken, her husband was dead - and she discovered a real chance to be happy with Eddie again. She could see that Roland was destined to enter the Tower alone which meant a meaningless end for her. Choose Life, as George Michael would wear in a certain eighties video.
That's OK HBJ, I still love ya.
hopefully, all will have gone well and she won't have pee'd her pants.
Welcome Rache. ;D
Guess that depends.
I depend on you to come up with quik snippets like that! You just keep pampering me Luv!
I can handle human deaths much easier. The thing that shocked me totally in this book is that Oy was the last to have died. Some silly part of me actually thought that he wouldn't have to.
Eddie's death surprised me a lot because it was first. And it was without any major foreshadowing - at least, not that I can recall. I figured he would die... but I was expecting Oy, Jake or Susannah to go first.
OMG!! ;D This is totally cool... I'm reading along the posts and then I see my name. "huh?" And I go back to see this. How sweet! I feel loved. Or ... at least... you guys have a thing about me peeing my pants. ::)
Rache, I'm so glad you are done the book and can rave (or rant) about it freely now.
There was that "unknown" foreshadowing from DTVI for example (death would come between them) or from DTVII (just previous) the last time they would be so as a ka-tet, but d*a*m*n it was still a shock that it was Eddie. I still can't believe that part even though I read it. I also expected Eddie to be the last one standing with Roland at least to as far as he could go.
And I am not comparing Ford's butt to Mt Everest! ;D
Has found that women generally don't like having parts of their anatomy compared to large objects...lol