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The Twelve Months of Birthdays



  • Happy Birthday to @HollyGolightly

    Happy Birthday Holly Buy Happy Birthday Holly by Art Black River

    FlakeNoirHedda Gablerdoyoulove19GNTLGNTcatHollyGolightly
  • Happy birthday Holly-Polly girl, I'm wishing you much joy and love today and every day. xox

    Hedda GablerNeesydoyoulove19GNTLGNTcatHollyGolightly
  • Happy birthday Holly...... Let there be cake🍰
    Hedda GablerNeesydoyoulove19GNTLGNTcatHollyGolightly
  • Happy happy day to you Holly!
  • Our Miss Lily turns 1 on Sunday. I think Scott has big plans to feed her steak. He wants to get her a party hat. So I guess we're going all out. 


    I'm sure there will be pics! 
    FlakeNoirdoyoulove19Hedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesyspideymanNotaroHollyGolightly
  • Happy birthday Miss Lily!  Yes, photos.
  • cat said:
    Our Miss Lily turns 1 on Sunday. I think Scott has big plans to feed her steak. He wants to get her a party hat. So I guess we're going all out. 


    I'm sure there will be pics! 
    Bloodhound Princess Stock Photo - Download Image Now - iStock.....Happy Woofday Lily!......
    catHedda Gablerdoyoulove19NeesyspideymanNotaro
  • Happy Birthday, Holly-polly-girl!!!   <3

    Happy Birthday, Ms. Lily!!   <3
    GNTLGNTcatHedda GablerNeesyspideymanNotaroHollyGolightly
  • Happy Birthday Holly!!!🎈🎈
    GNTLGNTHedda Gablerdoyoulove19NeesycatNotaroHollyGolightly
  • Woof woof woof woof Birthday Lily!!🐶
    GNTLGNTHedda Gablerdoyoulove19NeesyspideymancatNotaroHollyGolightly
  • Happy Birthday Holly!! <3
  • Happy Birthday Holly!! 
    doyoulove19Out of OrderHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesyNotaroHollyGolightly
  • Dog Birthday Cookie Box For Boys  Wfers

    Happy Birthday Lily!

    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTNotaroHollyGolightlyspideymandoyoulove19cat
  • So me and Ms Golightly are both Leos huh???
    That might help explain our shared "appetites"...
    Happy Birthday Holly and thanks to all for your wishes to me...
    Glad I'm still getting to celebrate these things...
    Oh and G, Methusalah???

    FlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablerHollyGolightlyGNTLGNTspideymandoyoulove19Neesy
  • Happy birthday to Lily for tomorrow...
    ❤ 💜 💙 💚 🎂 🌭 🍖 🍗
    NotaroHedda GablerHollyGolightlyGNTLGNTspideymandoyoulove19cat
  • theKidd12 said:
    So me and Ms Golightly are both Leos huh???
    That might help explain our shared "appetites"...
    Happy Birthday Holly and thanks to all for your wishes to me...
    Glad I'm still getting to celebrate these things...
    Oh and G, Methusalah???

    ...look, I am so long in the tooth I sharpen em on the sidewalk, so you shaddap!.....
    theKidd12FlakeNoirHedda Gablerdoyoulove19Neesy
  • Thank y'all for thinking of me!!  I took 2 days off of working starting on my birthday - making a 4 day weekend.  It was spectacular - I hate to see it end.

    Wishing a very happy birthday to you too @theKidd12 - very snappy poetry my Leo friend!  Are you referring to that voracious appetite for all the things? YES!

    Happy birthday to lil Miss Lily too!

    GNTLGNTtheKidd12FlakeNoirspideymanHedda Gablerdoyoulove19NeesyOut of Ordercat
  • Thank y'all for thinking of me!!  I took 2 days off of working starting on my birthday - making a 4 day weekend.  It was spectacular - I hate to see it end.

    Wishing a very happy birthday to you too @theKidd12 - very snappy poetry my Leo friend!  Are you referring to that voracious appetite for all the things? YES!

    Happy birthday to lil Miss Lily too!

    Yes m'aam. We Augusters are often lovers of life. Sometimes gets us in trouble but also means things are seldom boring when we are around. Hope I get to wish you another next year.
    FlakeNoirspideymanHedda Gablerdoyoulove19NeesyGNTLGNT
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...look, I am so long in the tooth I sharpen em on the sidewalk, so you shaddap!.....

    You old codgers really are grumpy... :D

    Thanks for the shout out...

    As I have said before just happy got to see another one..
    NotaroFlakeNoirspideymanHedda Gablerdoyoulove19NeesyGNTLGNTOut of Orderghost19
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Happy birthday to you for the 15th, Kidd... hope you get something yummy to eat. :)

    @theKidd12 ;
    Had 93% burgers topped with spinach, home grown maters, and fat free mayonnaise. The tomatoes were good.  :D However I did get two sweet potato pies instead of a cake. There is 1/2 of one left. It was a good day.
    NotaroFlakeNoirspideymanHedda Gablerdoyoulove19NeesyGNTLGNTOut of Order
  • spideyman said:
    Happy Birthday,  Kidd.   Have a wonderful day. Watch out for earthquakes!!
    Haven't had the bed shake any since spidey...

    Not even on my birthday...

    No earthquakes either... :D
    NotaroFlakeNoirspideymanHedda Gablerdoyoulove19NeesyGNTLGNTOut of Order
  • Lily birthday photos!
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