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I loved SOS!! (contains spoilers)

edited June 2004 in Dark Tower
Hey there everyone! I just finished SOS after a marathon 28 hours of reading! :) What an incredible tale! I think what impressed me so about this book was the ambiguity of it! It was confusing AND clarifying at the same time! Preference wise, SOS was a much more entertaining book than Wolves! So many great one liners, especially this one

M-O-O-N that spells CHEAT! Only SK could pull off something like this!

At times I was laughing out loud and at others I was openly crying like a fool on my front porch (When Jake was faced with leaving Oy behind). I have mixed emotions about the impending final book! While I want so badly to know EVERYTHING, I am enjoying the anticipation of the next book! On the flip side, I dont want it to end, because the tale is just too good! :)

thanks for letting me post, I have been dying to "tell" someone how great this book is! ( my family is getting bored with listening to me rave :))

SK is like fine wine, he keeps getting better with age!


  • Glad you enjoyed SoS -- and the best ist yet to come!
  • That's good to hear Bev!
  • I will savor and nurse my reading of DT7 like a fine wine.

    Now I look forward to September for another reason other then the commencement of the NFL. :)
  • Now I look forward to September for another reason other then the commencement of the NFL.

    :) Steve, you'll get in a few games even before DTVII is released! ;)

    Well.... I just loved this book, truly and seriously. I loved the cadence of the writing which I think has been influential and unique in each book, I LOVED the artwork and would covet any of those as bigger pictures in my house, especially the Castle on the Abyss and Faces in the Forest... did that bird-dude creep anyone else out? ;)

    I feel that this book answered more questions than raised them, but it's a matter of personal opinion on how each person approaches. I didn't feel frought with questions by the time I finished it. I also felt it was a very personal book, kind of an intimate look at Stephen's life within a fictional novel. That was totally cool.

    Some people have mentioned that they felt disconnected from Susannah in this book, it was the complete opposite for me. I felt far more connected to her than in Wolves.

    What I do know, more than anything else is that I do not want to and will not if I can help it, read one thing that has to do with DTVII. I want it to be a complete surprise. :)

  • Lin242 wrote:

    What I do know, more than anything else is that I do not want to and will not if I can help it, read one thing that has to do with DTVII.  I want it to be a complete surprise. :)


    You speak true!! I found out SK was in SoS and was initially very disappointed but I guess knowing only that turned out to not be too big a deal. But, boy oh boy, since there's gotta be so much in #7 I feel like I have to go into hiding for a couple months!

    I thouroughly enjoyed SoS too. Spoilers.......

    I'm now struggling with how Patrick Danville will come into play and when. Isn't he suppose to be 18 when he saves 2 people (one who must not die) Roland and someone, Tower & Deepneau, Stephen King? Plus with timing being all screwed up what where & when is that to happen. Crap now I'm thoroughly confusing myself.

    While I'm confused, who the hell is the "other" that's born when Mordred is born? Twins are generally of the same mindset, ie - good or evil but not one being good and the other evil, right? So, we'd assume he's a bad twin, someone we haven't met yet? Damn, Bev you're enjoying this thoroughly aren't you?!?##@#

    Gotta go to bed and nurse this newly formed headache!
  • Guess the Howard Stern word watcher doesn't like damn!

    How bout those University of South Carolina Gamecocks gettin to the College World Series. CO COCKS!!

    Sorry, off topic just checking on the word police.
  • Ha Ha.......Gamethingys! :D ;D
  • I also felt it was a very personal book, kind of an intimate look at Stephen's life within a fictional novel. That was totally cool.
    To me, that was cool - but also... I'm not totally sure what to think of it. The last 1/3 of the book had me really just sort of loopy, I suppose. (for lack of a better term that I really can't find words for)

    Initially at the end - what becomes journal entries - I was ticked off thinking that SK was ending the book with a note to his CRs like he tends to do. Then I realized the journal entry had a WAY too early date. I liked those entries. Almost like we're getting a peek into his mind - albeit a very deliberately worded one.

    I don't know. I'm still kinda mixed up about the whole thing. I'm very glad to know that the next book is only a few months away. If I would've read this cliffhanger and NOT had a release date of the next one?? >:( LOL
  • I agree the artwork in this book is superb! The Teehan or bird man was very cool!
  • This book had my favorite artwork, without question.
  • It's one of the top on my list, too, for illustrations. I wasn't sure what to expect when I saw the first one, especially since I wasn't entirely sure what it represented, but these are terrific.
  • By the way... the "19" connection made much more sense for me at the end.
  • The 19 thing just keeps getting more confusing! Sure, there's the 19th, 1999 thing, but if King's dead. who altered the original Gunslinger, added the "19" references, wrote Wolves of the Calla and Song of Susannah? Or did King only die in that reality and it echoed through to the rest of the worlds? Hmm.....
  • Will we be meeting SK's twinner? Will Tabby carry on and finish the tale?

    Am looking forward to that "special lad from Insomnia" coming into the story.

  • This is seriously making my head hurt. Damn paradoxes. Cant live with 'em....HEY!! They're like men!!

    I am having man trouble. Or perhaps i should say BOY trouble. Isnt it nice how they revert back to when they were 5?? Sigh, its discolouring everything i look at right now.

    grumble grumble
  • THe connection from Insomnia doesn't have to be Ralph Roberts! It could be Atropos, Clotho, Lachesis, and or just the Crimson King!

    We were not told that ALL of the characters from the "connected" stories were in the Dark Tower!! At least I don not remember hearing it.
  • I would expect that if only one character from Insomnia shows up in DT7 it would be the kid, Patrick Danville.

    Some think Ralph will be around, but I doubt it. We will just have to wait and see.
  • How could Ralph be around in DT7 when it is indicated in Bag of Bones that he was killed in a car accident! Isn't that what was stated - didn't Mike Noonan have a meal with Ralph in the diner and then later on there was a simple statement that he had been killed in an accident. tis been quite a while since I read that!
  • Ralph died in the accident, yes, and the Little Doctor's placed him inside Lois' heart I believe so they could be together forever...I don't believe he will return in DT7.
  • Well, if all the characters even those remotely attached to the series are gonna be featured in the last book then DT7 would be the biggest fiction hardcover of the millennium... in size that is ;D
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