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Lost: Season III & King

edited October 2006 in General news
The new season opens with a group of people at a book club. One man complains about how terrible the book they have been assigned is. It has no metaphor, he says. The woman host defends the book, says it's her favorite. She's seen clutching it to her chest a few minutes later. All I could make out was the author: Stephen King" but I read elsewhere that it was Carrie.


  • Well I could see someone there was holding the old paperback edition of the book, and there was the new paperback edition (with the red cover) on the table. But the woman was holding what seems like a hardcover edition that has nothing to do with Carrie.. It has a blue cover with the new Stephen King fonts in the front, which seems like something that has been published in recent years. Anyone knows which book she was holding? I can't identify it..
  • I just viewed it again and it looks like she was holding this edition of Carrie from Signet, the second cover in the second row:


    Looks kinda rare... maybe King brought it over when he went to the Lost meeting? ;)

    Also, did anyone else find it amusing that Henry asked for some King stuff to read while he was a prisoner in the second season, and now it turns out that he doesn't like his books that much? :-?
  • Some members of the book club had the red Scribner/Pocket Books edition of Carrie either on the table or in their hands. See here, and click to get a large screen capture.

    This is a 2002 edition with a new intro by King, which means that the Others have received a shipment of books off-island within the past four years.

    One guy had a Doubleday hardcover (or perhaps a book club edition)

    The copy Juliet had clutched in her hands when they go outside is likely the US Signet edition (second row, second position).

    Screen cap: You can see the letters "CAR" at the bottom left of the capture
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