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Black Thirteen

edited October 2005 in Dark Tower

I'm from Israel, so I apologize for my English..

I finished this last book of the series awhile ago so I could be a little bit off with some details. There was a part of the book that I was a bit confused about.. From what I remember Sussanah (or was it someone else?) took the Black Thirteen and put it in a safe somewhere at the World Trade Center. I remember when reading that part, I was pretty sure it would return later in the book, in regard of the terrorist attack that happened in 2001. As if the black thirteen wasn't really safe there and had to be removed.

I remember that I had a sense of being right about that when Roland recieved Insomina in NY and was told about the character of Edd Deepneau, who had crashed a plane into the building in Insomina... it seemed like there was a real reason why they told him this part, and that it's a hint of the plane crash in NY. Am I totaly wrong about thinkin that way? Is there a reason why those things weren't mentioned later in the book?

In regard of the ending, if what I wrote above has any meaning, maybe it could be that Roland has returned back to do his journey all over again because of the mistake of returning Insomina to the lady who helped him in NY, instead of taking it with him and taking the Ed Deepneau part more seriously? Could be that he's being punished about it or something like that? How could Black Thirteen be safe when we know what would happen in 2001? Sussanah and Eddie are in a different NY now, they can't really save it... not to mention that Roland didn't tell her about the Insomina thing, as far as I recall.

These are just stuff that I've been wondering about after finishing the book, I hope someone could make it clearer for me. Thanks! Oh, and sorry for my English! 8)


  • Welcome, Idan -- your English requires no apologies!

    The idea is that Black 13 will be buried at the bottom of tons of rubble and will therefore be out of anyone's reach. As Callahan says, "one glass ball under a hundred and ten stories of concrete and steel? Even a glass ball filled with deep magic? That'd be one way to take care of the nasty thing, I guess."
  • Oh, thanks for the explanation! I kinda thought that destroying the ball that way would be pretty harmful to the world and affect stuff in a bad way, instead of just another way to get rid of the ball. I guess I forgot that Callahan quote! ;D

    By the way, are there any plans to release The Road to the Dark Tower in Israel in any kind of edition? If not then I would probably oreder it online as it sounds like a very inetersting book about the series!
  • Penguin has the worldwide English rights to the book, but I don't know how they are distributing it to countries where English is a major language. You might inqurie at your local English bookstore to see about its availability. The only translations currently in the work are Italian, Dutch and Russian, though others might occur once the final DT books are available in those languages.

    Your best bet may be to get it online.
  • I'm writing months after your email, since I just stumbled onto this thing, but...what safer place for Black Thirteen than under tons of rubble at Ground Zero? Granted, it might make itself resurface the way the Ring did in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, but then...that would just be another novel for Mr. King to write, wouldn't it?
  • Also I am posting long after your initial question.

    There is a Website called Bookmooch where people trade books. You offer some books you don't want and then some one who wants one of your

    books tells you and you mail it to them... you get points for this and you use those points to get books from other people. Perhaps someone is willing to trade The Road to the Dark Tower... For every 10 books you list (not send only list) you get one book without sending one. The site is bookmooch.com just go there and sign up... you pay nothing except shipping for the books YOU send. Just read the instructions and have fun.
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