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New hope for The Talisman?

edited March 2005 in General news
Ehren Kruger hopes that The Talisman will get back underway later this year.




  • I, for one, will not be holding my breathe waiting on this movie!
  • Spielberg coproducer Frank Marshall sez: The Talisman, the film version of the novel by Stephen King and Peter Straub, "is on a back burner. There's no signs of immediate progress on that one, but it is still ours if we want to produce it."
  • The problem with The Talisman now is that it hasn't been a stand alone piece of work for a long time now with the advent of Black House and other DT related books.

    It could work as a movie on it's own, but it will leave fans screaming for Black House to be made and then we are on the Road to the Dark Tower in movie form...best left alone unless they want to tell the DT story from all view points.

    Insomnia would be a really good movie, but it must all now be done under the shadow of The Dark Tower - I wouldn't settle for anything else...

    Tell the full story, else leave well enough alone...
  • Black House is already in the works. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see it made first.
  • Bev_Vincent wrote: Black House is already in the works. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see it made first.

    Is going to incorporate the Dark Tower, do you know, Bev?

    Wouldn't surprise me either but how much sense will Black House make before The Talisman...how the movie industry works is something way beyond my levels of celestial thinking... ::)

  • I believe it will incorporate the Dark Tower. Rich Chizmar of CD is working on the script with his writing partner. Since two different groups own the properties, the two films (assuming either or both ever get made) would be completely independent of each other, so should be treated as unrelated entities.
  • I think both novels could work as standalone movies, or as a series independent of the Dark Tower proper. The Talisman and Black House are fairly self-contained, even though they do have Dark Tower elements.

    The Talisman's direct links to DT are pretty tenuous (just considering the story itself), and you could make Black House with the Dark Tower references included without leaving any major questions hanging. (Well, I guess you might be tempted to omit any reference to Roland and the ka-tet, but you could still include the Crimson King as The Bad Guy, the Tower as His Prison, and the Breakers as his tickets to freedom).

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