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Bev - Missed opportunity for character development

edited October 2004 in Dark Tower
Awhile back, I read your comment that there was a big opportunity for character development in DT VII that was wasted or not capitalized on. Can you say what that was, now that the book is out in the open?


  • The scene where Jake and Oy switch places to get beyond the mind trap. I thought that was wasted because it served only its temporary purpose of saving Jake from the projectors. Jake and Oy didn't get any lasting insight about each other from it.
  • i thought the same thing.


    when jake got hit by the car, i had assumed the earlier venture was a foreshadow to it happening again.
  • I think that SK should have done something with the animals Eddie was carving and sticking in his pack in WOTC. This is the kind of throwaway info that SK usually springs on you later on down the road, but he never did anything in this case, despite having Susannah think of Eddie as a carver of powerful talismanic objects in SOS. It is like he planned for something to happen with Eddie's carvings (which are dog, cat, and rabbit, at least two of which are guardians), but then let that thread slip. Not that it mattered much, but I would have liked for Eddie's carvings to play into the plot again.
  • Dem wrote: I think that SK should have done something with the animals Eddie was carving and sticking in his pack in WOTC.  This is the kind of throwaway info that SK usually springs on you later on down the road, but he never did anything in this case, despite having Susannah think of Eddie as a carver of powerful talismanic objects in SOS.  It is like he planned for something to happen with Eddie's carvings (which are dog, cat, and rabbit, at least two of which are guardians), but then let that thread slip.  Not that it mattered much, but I would have liked for Eddie's carvings to play into the plot again.  

    Another reason I still hold DTIII as my favourite -- the importance of that key, the one fine sliver of ash coming off that made all things possible... OMG, that's as fine a moment as I've read.  :)

  • Roland's quest is parallel to Eddie's key. Roland has to keep whittling away at his attempts to get it right until the key solves the riddle of his existence.

    Profound, no? :o
  • Bev_Vincent wrote: Roland's quest is parallel to Eddie's key. Roland has to keep whittling away at his attempts to get it right until the key solves the riddle of his existence.

    Profound, no?   :o

    Yeah, that is a cool thought.

    My own guess- the only way to get it right is to cry off. Blow his horn at the base of the tower and then turn around and go home.

    "I went to the Dark Tower and I all got is this lousy t-shirt"
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