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The Review thread -- spoilers possible

edited August 2004 in Dark Tower
Publisher's Weekly:

A pilgrimage that began with one lone man's quest to save multiple worlds from chaos and destruction unfolds into a tale of epic proportions. While King saw some criticism for the slow pace of 1982's The Gunslinger, the book that launched this series, The Drawing of the Three (Book II, 1987), reeled in readers with its fantastical allure. And those who have faithfully journeyed alongside Roland, Eddie, Susannah, Jake and Oy ever since will find their loyalty toward the series' creator richly rewarded.

The tangled web of the tower's multiple worlds has manifested itself in many of King's other works -- The Stand (1978), Insomnia (1994) and Hearts in Atlantis (1999), to name a few. As one character explains here, "From the spring of 1970, when he typed the line The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed...very few of the things Stephen King wrote were 'just stories.' He may not believe that; we do." King, in fact, intertwines his own life story deeper and deeper into the tale of Roland and his surrogate family of gunslingers, and, in this final installment, playfully and seductively suggests that it might not be the author who drives the story, but rather the fictional characters that control the author.

This philosophical exploration of free will and destiny may surprise those who have viewed King as a prolific pop-fiction dispenser. But a closer look at the brilliant complexity of his Dark Tower world should explain why this bestselling author has finally been recognized for his contribution to the contemporary literary canon. With the conclusion of this tale, ostensibly the last published work of his career, King has certainly reached the top of his game. And as for who or what resides at the top of the tower...The many readers dying to know will have to start at the beginning and work their way up.


  • Love that very last paragraph. :) And a good not overtly Spoilerish review too.
  • There's a Dark Tower VII review up at Aint It Cool News (www.aintitcool.com) - be warned, though: THERE ARE SPOILERS. I scanned the first paragraph and he said there would be, so I stopped (and although the reviewer, Quint, says he'll warn when he's approaching spoilers, I've already heard he lets one slip early in the review). So, for those of you not avoiding such things, go there now. Quint's a huge King fan, and should have a valuable opinion.

  • There's a Dark Tower VII review up at Aint It Cool News(www.aintitcool.com) - be warned, though: THERE ARE SPOILERS. I scanned the first paragraph and he said there would be, so I stopped (and although the reviewer, Quint, says he'll warn when he's approaching spoilers, I've already heard he lets one slip early in the review). So, for those of you not avoiding such things, go there now. Quint's a huge King fan, and should have a valuable opinion.

    At least it's way more thoughtful and more respectful to Spoiler sensitive fans than the Kirkus Review on the Barnes and Noble site. Please stay away from that one!!!
  • Here is my review, which will be published in the local newspaper next week. It's moderately spoiler-lite, but proceed with caution nonetheless:

    For nearly thirty-five years, Stephen King has been guiding Roland Deschain and his followers—his ka-tet—toward the Dark Tower, which is both physically and figuratively at the center of existence. Roland has known all his centuries-long life that the Tower is ailing and that existence will come to an end when it collapses. Not just Roland’s arcane Mid-World, but all of the infinite planes of reality, some of which look like our own world, many of which are vastly different.

    With the publication of The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower, King puts the finishing touches to his magnum opus, an enormous, sprawling, innovative series that is a microcosm for his entire writing career, while simultaneously standing apart from his other works.

    And what a finish! The previous two volumes filled many pages without covering much ground. Readers wondered how King could wrap up the considerable loose ends that remained in fewer than a thousand pages. In the final volume, King shifts into high gear, and in a book barely longer than Volume V he takes care of everything left of the ka-tet’s quest. In short order, he wraps up the multiple cliffhangers from Volume VI, reunites the ka-tet and sends them on their way to deal with their fundamental problem: the Breakers who have been recruited by the Crimson King to destroy the Beams supporting the Tower. The Breakers’ work is proceeding apace and any more delays may spell the quest’s failure. Only two of the original six Beams remain.

    As usual, life for the ka-tet is never simple; they always have several problems to handle simultaneously. There is the matter of Susannah’s child, Mordred, who exists to defeat Roland and to join the Crimson King, his Red father. The ka-tet needs to preserve the rose in New York and figure out what to do about the lazy tale-spinner in Maine, who has been marked by ka for abandoning his appointed task. Along the way, there will be reunions and meetings—some with characters familiar to readers of other King books and stories—and there will be partings, few of them pleasant. Roland of Gilead has left a long trail of corpses and regret behind him on his quest.

    Where Song of Susannah recounted the events of twenty-four hours, The Dark Tower covers a lengthy time period and considerable geography. Unexpected confrontations face them once they finally set their sights on the long, harrowing road that leads to End World and the smoke-gray Tower that stands in the midst of a vast field of roses.

    What will those who attain the Tower find there? King has been keeping that secret for over a quarter of a century, so this reviewer will not even hint at who gets there and what they find. This long tale has never been about endings, anyway; to discover the ending, a reader need only turn to the final page—but in doing so they rob themselves of the enjoyment of the lavish and complex tale that lies before it. The series is about self-discovery. Each member of Roland’s ka-tet—and Roland himself—learned important things about themselves and changed from their old ways to enable them to participate in the quest that defined Roland’s life. A quest that became theirs, too, as well as that of the legion of readers who have been following the series lo these many years.
  • Aces Bev. Thankee. 8)
  • Wish all reviews are like this. Nice work Bev :)
  • That one's a safe read -- it doesn't mention anything about DT7 at all. It's an overview of the series to date.
  • A Spoiler free mini review from Washington Post below. Very positive :)

    Bill Sheehan - The Washington Post

    The Dark Tower stands as an imposing example of pure storytelling. King has always believed in the primal importance of story, and his entire career -- encompassing 40 novels and literally hundreds of shorter works -- is a reflection of that belief.… In bringing this massive project to conclusion, King has kept faith with his readers and made the best possible use of his own second chance. The Dark Tower is a humane, visionary epic and a true magnum opus. It will be around for a very long time.
  • Here's the full review from the Washington Post.
  • King has kept faith with his readers and made the best possible use of his own second chance. The Dark Tower is a humane, visionary epic and a true magnum opus. It will be around for a very long time. •

    As a writer King could not hope for a better endorsement.
  • I read the review in the Washington Post this morning and was amazed. Washington, DC has not been kind to King over the years. When King has a book on the NY Times Best Seller list or the Wall Street Journal, he quickly falls off the Washington DC list. This has irked me for years. So when I saw the Review in the Post Book World section I was hesitant to read it as I expected the worse. Actually it was a favorable review. The last line really says it all as in

    The Dark Tower is a humane, visionary epic and a true magnum opus. It will be around for a very long time. •

  • I know the guy who wrote the Washington Post Review--he just started with them recently, used to write for Locus. He is also the author of the great book AT THE FOOT OF THE STORY TREE which was my model in writing THE ROAD TO THE DARK TOWER. It's a complete look at the works of Peter Straub and eminently readable.
  • USA Today

    Also note the sidebar links
  • I guess I should read all the threads before placing my links - one upped by Bev again! ;D
  • I am glad that all the reviews so far are largely positive ;D or are you just showing us the sunny side of things :)
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