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reality boo boo...or no clear answer as of yet...

edited August 2004 in Dark Tower
In Song of Susannah at Calvin Tower's place, Eddie becomes sure that the world he is presently in is somehow more real than all others...or does that happen at King's home...anyway. So this world is obviously the closest to actually being our own world you can get and still consider this fiction, however...

Callahan is a creation of King's, King exists in this world and so do Tower and Deepnau, but if that's so, how are Tower and Deepnau supposed to save Callahan's life (tonight) in later years if this is not Callahan's world. I suppose it's possible that when Callahan was travelling between worlds he slipped into our own...no, he actually returned to his previous world (inhabited by vampires) when he found out his friend had been hurt by the Hitler Brothers who were working for the low men so it couldn't have been Tower and Deepnau because they exist in King's world...unless Tower and Deepnau find a way to travel on these "hidden roads" and find themselves in Callahan's reality...

Anyway, just thought I'd throw that in for thought.


  • All will be answer in due time (Sept 21 to be exact), but then again... all may be left hanging just for the fun of it ;D I mean he is the conduit of Gan after all ;D
  • bob wrote: In Song of Susannah at Calvin Tower's place, Eddie becomes sure that the world he is presently in is somehow more real than all others...or does that happen at King's home...anyway.  So this world is obviously the closest to actually being our own world you can get and still consider this fiction, however...

    Callahan is a creation of King's, King exists in this world and so do Tower and Deepnau, but if that's so, how are Tower and Deepnau supposed to save Callahan's life (tonight) in later years if this is not Callahan's world.  I suppose it's possible that when Callahan was travelling between worlds he slipped into our own...no, he actually returned to his previous world (inhabited by vampires) when he found out his friend had been hurt by the Hitler Brothers who were working for the low men so it couldn't have been Tower and Deepnau because they exist in King's world...unless Tower and Deepnau find a way to travel on these "hidden roads" and find themselves in Callahan's reality...

    Anyway, just thought I'd throw that in for thought.

    Eddie believes that Father Callahan crossed over into another world around the time he first left Salem's Lot. So, between his fictional reality in SL and arriving in NY for the first time, he reality-hopped.
  • Is it just me or are all these parallel unviverses getting somewhat confusing? Bev, are you going to have a chart? Cuz that would be a really nifty idea.
  • And Ford has cruised into her own parallel universe. Been missin in action ever since ???
  • Ford has been in the damn hospital. Stupid doctor told me i had a cold and to stop being such a baby (15 days ago).

    My STREP THROAT went untreated and now i have an abcess in my throat.

  • My STREP THROAT went untreated and now i have an abcess in my throat.

    Ouch! Sounds painful. Looks like we can share some thoughts on pain ;D
  • Do you know how much a hole in your throat hurts? Mother mary, I ahve broken bones myself but i would much rather be where you are. Im not going to get into details, but believe me when i say it is also very gross. However i will be socially functional before you are.
  • Not to mention the piercing and the pus and the fever etc. I've been ther Ford. Told ya we could share some pain thoughts
  • blah. Its the taste in the back of my throat that is driving me nuts. they put me on this iv med of "the most powerful antibiotic" and it make me sicker than the strep did.so here i sit at home. Hungry and tired and having to go up every 6 hours so they can hook me up. And racking up the posts. ;D
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