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The Twelve Months of Birthdays



  • I hope you have a wonderful day today Marsha, wishing you sunshine and love.  <3

    NotaroGNTLGNTcatHedda GablerMarsha
  • Happy Happy Birthday Marsha!! You have had quite a year, I wish nothing but more of the same for this coming year! Biggest hugs!! ❤
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerMarshaNeesy
  • Hope you had a great day Marsha....

    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTKurbenHedda GablercatMarshaNeesy
  • Hope you had a nice day. 
  • Thank you, all, for the birthday wishes. My 70th was a memorable one. On Tuesday night around 7 o'clock I got a call from one of my Maine friends. "I'm at the airport. Come get me!" Whaaaat? (the fcuk). She'd been in cahoots with my cousin here and a mutual AZ friend who lives about 3 hours away to surprise me. They've apparently been planning this since November. We had a great dinner, toured the Chihully glass installation at the Desert Botanical Garden in the evening so got to see it both in daylight when we arrived for dinner at the on-site restaurant and then when it was lit up. Stunning pieces. Lots of laughs and a truly wonderful time. I even got over being surprised which they all knew I wouldn't be happy about, but did it anyway and I'm glad they did.
    KurbenHedda GablercatGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Happy Belated Birthday Marsha (I am way behind in this thread so sorry to those I missed)

    Hedda GablercatGNTLGNTMarsha
  • Happy Birthday to Kurben. 🎂 🎉 🥳 🪅 🎊 

    Hope you have a great day .

  • Neesy said:
    Happy Belated Birthday Marsha (I am way behind in this thread so sorry to those I missed)

    Thank you! No need to apologize. You have had a bit on your plate lately with Andy's health issue. I hope he gets his chemo regimen started soon.
    GNTLGNTKurbenNotaroHedda GablercatNeesy
  • Happy Birthday @Kurben! I hope you have a wonderful day.
    GNTLGNTKurbenNotaroHedda GablercatNeesy
  • Happy Birthday @Kurben. May it be filled with love and green lights.
    KurbenNotaroHedda GablerMarshacatNeesy
  • Thank you everyone!! Much appreciated. I bought a cake and ate it together with my coworkers at our afternoon break!! Yum, (i took two bites...)
    Prinsesstrta grn 8 bitar - Bake My Day
    NotaroHedda GablerMarshacatGNTLGNTNeesy
  • A most happy day kurben! 
  • Happy Happy Birthday, Kurben!! ❤
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbenNeesyMarsha
  • Hope you had  a wonderful day, Kurben!
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbenNeesyMarsha
  • ....hmmm, gremlins made off with my birthday pic for ya Kurb, or it's gone into witness relocation.....cain't see it no-mo.....

    Meme Creator - Funny When the sesh gremlins Get ready for a night out Meme  Generator at MemeCreatororg
    Hedda GablercatKurbenNeesyMarsha
  • I'm one day late but Happy Birthday anyway Kurben!

    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTMarsha
  • Neesy said:
    I'm one day late but Happy Birthday anyway Kurben!

    You can never be late with a cake like that!! YUM!!
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTMarshaNeesyFlakeNoir
  • Happy birthday Neesy. 🎈🎁🎊🎉🎂
     (for you tomorrow) 
    Wishing you a fun day filled with lots of kitten joy, yummy things to eat and some relaxation if you can.

  • Happy Birthday Neesy! I hope you have a really fun day. Eat something  super yummy!
  • Neesy!! its your birthday. Make it a great one and have FUN!!!
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Happy Birthday Neesy, I hope you have a lovely day🎂🎉🎈🌹
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Your birthday is here Neesy! 
    Wishng you sunshine and happiness, cake and a peaceful day. 🎂🎈

    NotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
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