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  • The Abbot &, Costello Show  - The Haunted House

    GNTLGNTFlakeNoirOut of Order
  • edited July 2020
    I love the googly eyes!
  • GNTLGNT said:
    I love this guy, he's great! <3 
    GNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    I love this guy, he's great! <3 
    ....big old goofball with an exquisite voice.....
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • I just finished watching Hamilton.

    Energetic, creative, informative, touching -- I enjoyed every part of this.  

    The determination, dedication and commitment of bringing this to the stage was bordering on unbelievable -- magical. 

    How all the cogs have to work together, fit together -- the timing, the rhythm.  Really a thing worth seeing.

    My favorite character was King George.  Hilarious!  Then I loved the guy who played Layfette and Thomas Jefferson, Daveed Diggs (who also happens to be in Snowpiercer which I'm watch right now.). What a versatile guy!  And of course, I loved Lin-Manuel Miranda as Hamilton. 

    These are the things I will miss when I die.  All the creative stuff that will continue to be made, and I don't get to experience any of it!  Ugh!  
    Watching Hamilton! again.  Continuing my love fest with King George.  I love the actor. I love his portrayal. I love his songs. He got the best songs in the play.  

    The guy who plays him is a huge spitty drooler and apparently eevryone is talking about that on social media after watching the play.

    Jonathan Groff I guess is well known in the theater as a spitty dooler.  He said he can't help it, it just gets really wet and it comes out.  He said he has seen his spit land on another actor, or someone in the front row of the audience and he used to be quite alarmed by it. But now he embraces the dribble.  

    I guess Lin Manuel was asked about "erasing out" the spitty drool on the film but he said no.

    So, kudos for standing by your slobbering King George.  

  • I just finished watching Hamilton.

    Energetic, creative, informative, touching -- I enjoyed every part of this.  

    The determination, dedication and commitment of bringing this to the stage was bordering on unbelievable -- magical. 

    How all the cogs have to work together, fit together -- the timing, the rhythm.  Really a thing worth seeing.

    My favorite character was King George.  Hilarious!  Then I loved the guy who played Layfette and Thomas Jefferson, Daveed Diggs (who also happens to be in Snowpiercer which I'm watch right now.). What a versatile guy!  And of course, I loved Lin-Manuel Miranda as Hamilton. 

    These are the things I will miss when I die.  All the creative stuff that will continue to be made, and I don't get to experience any of it!  Ugh!  
    Watching Hamilton! again.  Continuing my love fest with King George.  I love the actor. I love his portrayal. I love his songs. He got the best songs in the play.  

    The guy who plays him is a huge spitty drooler and apparently eevryone is talking about that on social media after watching the play.

    Jonathan Groff I guess is well known in the theater as a spitty dooler.  He said he can't help it, it just gets really wet and it comes out.  He said he has seen his spit land on another actor, or someone in the front row of the audience and he used to be quite alarmed by it. But now he embraces the dribble.  

    I guess Lin Manuel was asked about "erasing out" the spitty drool on the film but he said no.

    So, kudos for standing by your slobbering King George.  

    GNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • ....new term to add to my lexicon...."spitty drooler".....
    Why does King George spit so much in Hamilton Find out why
    Hedda Gabler
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....new term to add to my lexicon...."spitty drooler".....
    Why does King George spit so much in Hamilton Find out why
    He is so good in this part.  So good.
  • edited July 2020
    This is fascinating.  The Bullet.

  • Someday.... 

    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • It's the weekend, time for some rock 'n' roll....

    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • The Mercury Theatre - Dracula

    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • edited August 2020

  • The Campbell Playhouse - The Magnificent Ambersons

    FlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNT
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