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Random Thoughts



  • edited January 2022
    FlakeNoir said:
    I've been using adieu. 
    It’s a great word with lots of vowels, but that d could be one of the more commonly used consonants to get more bang for your buck. I trade the extra vowel for stronger consonants. 

       I got today’s word in 3.  Because my first word gave me 3 green letters in a row in the right spot!   That is pretty damn good.  From that point, it’s a guessing game. Lots of words fit. I just go from there.   My first word is:


  • FlakeNoir said:
    I've been using adieu. 
    It’s a great word with lots of vowels, but that d could be one of the more commonly used consonants to get more bang for your buck. I trade the extra vowel for stronger consonants. 

       I got today’s word in 3.  Because my first word gave me 3 green letters in a row in the right spot!   That is pretty damn good.  From that point, it’s a guessing game. Lots of words fit. I just go from there.   My first word is:


    That happened to me with yesterday's word. 3 green letters but on my second guess, I got lucky with the 3rd.

    Excellent word! I was wracking my brain trying to find a better one than having to use a "d" word.
  • FlakeNoir said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    I've been using adieu. 
    It’s a great word with lots of vowels, but that d could be one of the more commonly used consonants to get more bang for your buck. I trade the extra vowel for stronger consonants. 

       I got today’s word in 3.  Because my first word gave me 3 green letters in a row in the right spot!   That is pretty damn good.  From that point, it’s a guessing game. Lots of words fit. I just go from there.   My first word is:


    That happened to me with yesterday's word. 3 green letters but on my second guess, I got lucky with the 3rd.

    Excellent word! I was wracking my brain trying to find a better one than having to use a "d" word.
    That d would be a good fit today!

  • edited January 2022
    FlakeNoir said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    I've been using adieu. 
    It’s a great word with lots of vowels, but that d could be one of the more commonly used consonants to get more bang for your buck. I trade the extra vowel for stronger consonants. 

       I got today’s word in 3.  Because my first word gave me 3 green letters in a row in the right spot!   That is pretty damn good.  From that point, it’s a guessing game. Lots of words fit. I just go from there.   My first word is:


    That happened to me with yesterday's word. 3 green letters but on my second guess, I got lucky with the 3rd.

    Excellent word! I was wracking my brain trying to find a better one than having to use a "d" word.
    That d would be a good fit today!

    It was in my yesterday word, it was perfect!

    Hold on... if I don't have a "d" in today's word, then this really is more proof that I'm just a girl, standing in front of a girl... and telling her....  "that I am here from the future."  😆

    NotaroHedda GablerMarshaGNTLGNT
  • @Hedda Gabler

    Today's word messed with me because of language rules. 

    Definitely no "d" today, so we're working on different words/days.
  • Oh wow. Don’t say your word today, we must be behind you on words. That’s  weird. 
  • Oh wow. Don’t say your word today, we must be behind you on words. That’s  weird. 
    No now that I know for sure, I'll never again mention anything to do with my Wurdles.

    And just like in the movies, Future Girl has to hide her super power.
    What good is a super power when you just can't use it?
    Why couldn't I get Teleportation? Something useful at least. 
  • My super power clearly isn't spelling. That's Wordle, not Wurdle. 🙄
    NotaroMarshaGNTLGNTKurbenHedda GablerNeesy
  • Glad to see you are also being tortured by Wordle!  I found it late last year and have been addicted since, and gotten most of my family to play as well.  My most common number of attempts seems to be 4.  Some of my family have done it in 3 and even 2, but so far 4 is the best I can do.  Gives me something to shoot for. At least I haven't gotten skunked yet.
  • Glad to see you are also being tortured by Wordle!  I found it late last year and have been addicted since, and gotten most of my family to play as well.  My most common number of attempts seems to be 4.  Some of my family have done it in 3 and even 2, but so far 4 is the best I can do.  Gives me something to shoot for. At least I haven't gotten skunked yet.
    I have been skunked because i was half asleep and not paying attention.  I have stopped playing at 3 in the morning. 

    My best is 2. Once. And i guarantee, that was just a wild guess that paid off.
  • Is being Skunked not guessing in 6 goes? Then yes, my first day.
    My best is 3, a fluke because I had 3 greens on my 2nd attempt.

    It's really nice seeing you here, Bob.
    NotaroMarshaGNTLGNTKurbenHedda Gablerfushingfeef
  • ....me waving at Bob.....

    Best Jim Carrey Waving GIFs  Gfycat
    KurbenFlakeNoirHedda GablerMarshaNotarocatfushingfeefNeesy
  • Scott — go look at bev’s twitter feed. Someone in ohio (not sure if you are close or interested) giving away a 1930s pump organ — if no takers, going to the dump!  Or, maybe you know someone interested. It looks gorgeous. 
  • ....I am not Twitter literate....couldn't find the post....
  • edited January 2022
    GNTLGNT said:
    ....I am not Twitter literate....couldn't find the post....
    I am so sorry — john scalzi, science fiction author . He has the pump organ. 
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....I am not Twitter literate....couldn't find the post....
    I am so sorry — john scalzi, science fiction author . He has the pump organ. 
    ....I found the post, thanks!....appears someone offered it to him and they were from Northeast Ohio, while he lives in Southwest Ohio....either way, it's about 3 hours from us....a beautiful piece.....no need to take it to a landfill!!....plenty of other options out there, including historical societies and antique shops.....
    MarshaHedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoircatNeesy
  • edited January 2022
    How do you wake up in the dead middle of the night bored?

    my own dreams bored me the hell out of sleep.  That and a marauding group of rude bastids

  • How do you wake up in the dead middle of the night bored?

    my own dreams bored me the hell out of sleep.  That and a marauding group of rude bastids

    catHedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirMarshaNotaro
  • We had tickets for the Elton John final tour from the before-days but cancelled them quite a while back. The tour started up again this week -- in Houston he was a keyboard player down because of COVID. Today Elton announced he was diagnosed with COVID. I guess that was inevitable. Fortunately he's vaxxed and boosted.
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTcatFlakeNoirMarshaNotaroNeesy
  • We had tickets for the Elton John final tour from the before-days but cancelled them quite a while back. The tour started up again this week -- in Houston he was a keyboard player down because of COVID. Today Elton announced he was diagnosed with COVID. I guess that was inevitable. Fortunately he's vaxxed and boosted.
    ....he's hoping to only have a couple of shows re-scheduled....said something to the effect that his symptoms were so mild as to be non-existent....the two tickets I got for Tracy are still sitting out there in limbo, waiting to see if he makes it to Columbus or not....
    catHedda GablerFlakeNoirMarshaNotaro
  • edited January 2022
    I love the smell of bacon frying. It’s particularly satisfying.   

    Sorry pig. 

  • I love the smell of bacon frying. It’s particularly satisfying.   

    Sorry pig. 

    And the taste.. crispy bacon. 🤤

    Ditto on the pig. 😬
    NotaroHedda GablerKurbenGNTLGNTcatMarshaNeesy
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