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Random Thoughts



  • Late last night and the night before, tommyknockers, tommyknockers knocking on my door. I wanna go out, don't know if I can 'cuz I'm so afraid of the tommyknocker man.
    I still don't like this story very much.. but I did always like this line. 😁
    Hedda GablerNotaroMarshaGNTLGNTdoyoulove19Kurben
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Late last night and the night before, tommyknockers, tommyknockers knocking on my door. I wanna go out, don't know if I can 'cuz I'm so afraid of the tommyknocker man.
    I still don't like this story very much.. but I did always like this line. 😁
    It’s not his best, but there are some really good chunks of beautiful writing in it. 
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Late last night and the night before, tommyknockers, tommyknockers knocking on my door. I wanna go out, don't know if I can 'cuz I'm so afraid of the tommyknocker man.
    I still don't like this story very much.. but I did always like this line. 😁
    It’s not his best, but there are some really good chunks of beautiful writing in it. 
    I need to re-read this as a grown-up-almost-adult.
    Hedda GablerNotaroMarshaGNTLGNTdoyoulove19Kurben
  • I hated it the  first time i tried — walked away from  it.

    second time — i liked it. Again, not one of his greatest hits, but i could see the good and let that carry the day. 
  • Going to try to go back to sleep — i hope i dream of some grand adventure. I hope i’m young, smart, beautiful and laughing surrounded by baby goats. 

  • Sleep well Hedda, sweet dreams 😴
    FlakeNoirMarshaGNTLGNTHedda Gablerdoyoulove19
  • Going to try to go back to sleep — i hope i dream of some grand adventure. I hope i’m young, smart, beautiful and laughing surrounded by baby goats. 

    Shit My Players Say  But have you considered goat gifs D
    FlakeNoirNotaroHedda Gablerdoyoulove19KurbenMarsha
  • ....I agree with you both that TK is not Steve's best effort, but considering the completely blotto state he was in, some of it was pretty damn good....
    FlakeNoirNotaroHedda Gablerdoyoulove19KurbenMarsha
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....I agree with you both that TK is not Steve's best effort, but considering the completely blotto state he was in, some of it was pretty damn good....
    No matter how hard you try, you can't hide genius.
    GNTLGNTNotaroHedda Gablerdoyoulove19KurbenMarsha
  • FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    ....I agree with you both that TK is not Steve's best effort, but considering the completely blotto state he was in, some of it was pretty damn good....
    No matter how hard you try, you can't hide genius.
    ...in my case, I do a pretty bang up job of it....
    NotaroFlakeNoirHedda Gablerdoyoulove19KurbenMarsha
  • edited July 2021
    I have decided i’m going to submit my one good story to the big guns.  Now, like i said, i love it but it isn’t in the big gun league.

     My goal is to do it, say i did it and wrack up rejection letters to prove it. I harbor no fantasy that it will get accepted but wouldn’t it be a hoot if i got some feedback? Which is also unlikely ,

    They say start small but f that. I don’t have time. Plus a lot of the small presses have windows and fees. A lot of the big guys accept at any time with no fees. So, off it goes. 

    I can’t travel, but my story is going to. 

  • I have decided i’m going to submit my one good story to the big guns.  Now, like i said, i love it but it isn’t in the big gun league.

     My goal is to do it, say i did it and wrack up rejection letters to prove it. I harbor no fantasy that it will get accepted but wouldn’t it be a hoot if i got some feedback? Which is also unlikely ,

    They say start small but f that. I don’t have time. Plus a lot of the small presses have windows and fees. A lot of the big guys accept at any time with no fees. So, off it goes. 

    I can’t travel, but my story is going to. 

    Best of luck Hedda🤞
    Hedda Gablerdoyoulove19FlakeNoirKurbenMarshaGNTLGNT
  • Notaro said:
    I have decided i’m going to submit my one good story to the big guns.  Now, like i said, i love it but it isn’t in the big gun league.

     My goal is to do it, say i did it and wrack up rejection letters to prove it. I harbor no fantasy that it will get accepted but wouldn’t it be a hoot if i got some feedback? Which is also unlikely ,

    They say start small but f that. I don’t have time. Plus a lot of the small presses have windows and fees. A lot of the big guys accept at any time with no fees. So, off it goes. 

    I can’t travel, but my story is going to. 

    Best of luck Hedda🤞
    Due to unforeseen cowardice, i have changed my mind.  Bwhahaha!
  • Notaro said:
    I have decided i’m going to submit my one good story to the big guns.  Now, like i said, i love it but it isn’t in the big gun league.

     My goal is to do it, say i did it and wrack up rejection letters to prove it. I harbor no fantasy that it will get accepted but wouldn’t it be a hoot if i got some feedback? Which is also unlikely ,

    They say start small but f that. I don’t have time. Plus a lot of the small presses have windows and fees. A lot of the big guys accept at any time with no fees. So, off it goes. 

    I can’t travel, but my story is going to. 

    Best of luck Hedda🤞
    Due to unforeseen cowardice, i have changed my mind.  Bwhahaha!
    It's early days, you can change it back at any stage. 🙂
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirKurbenMarshaGNTLGNT
  • Right. Listen to me missy. It's good enough to be out there, and you know I would not bullsh1t you about this.

    Do it. When you're ready... but carpe diem like there's no tomorrow because you and I both know how sh1t can happen. 
    NotaroKurbenHedda GablerMarshaGNTLGNT
  • Notaro said:
    I have decided i’m going to submit my one good story to the big guns.  Now, like i said, i love it but it isn’t in the big gun league.

     My goal is to do it, say i did it and wrack up rejection letters to prove it. I harbor no fantasy that it will get accepted but wouldn’t it be a hoot if i got some feedback? Which is also unlikely ,

    They say start small but f that. I don’t have time. Plus a lot of the small presses have windows and fees. A lot of the big guys accept at any time with no fees. So, off it goes. 

    I can’t travel, but my story is going to. 

    Best of luck Hedda🤞
    Due to unforeseen cowardice, i have changed my mind.  Bwhahaha!
    Dr. Wayne Dyer — 'Don't die with the music still in you.'

    Bring your music to life. Show your potential, explore the opportunities. 
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirMarshaNotaroGNTLGNTNeesy
  • I would also love to read your story @Hedda Gabler 

    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirMarshaNotaroGNTLGNT
  • Notaro said:
    I have decided i’m going to submit my one good story to the big guns.  Now, like i said, i love it but it isn’t in the big gun league.

     My goal is to do it, say i did it and wrack up rejection letters to prove it. I harbor no fantasy that it will get accepted but wouldn’t it be a hoot if i got some feedback? Which is also unlikely ,

    They say start small but f that. I don’t have time. Plus a lot of the small presses have windows and fees. A lot of the big guys accept at any time with no fees. So, off it goes. 

    I can’t travel, but my story is going to. 

    Best of luck Hedda🤞
    Due to unforeseen cowardice, i have changed my mind.  Bwhahaha!

    FlakeNoir said:
    Right. Listen to me missy. It's good enough to be out there, and you know I would not bullsh1t you about this.

    Do it. When you're ready... but carpe diem like there's no tomorrow because you and I both know how sh1t can happen. 

    What she said!
    NotaroFlakeNoirGNTLGNTcatHedda GablerKurben
  • ....Deej, I have said it countless times before....your style, bending of a phrase, humor, pop culture references are brilliant.....it's not like I haven't read a book or three in the last 50 plus years....your work can wedge it's shoulders in there and belly right up to the unique voice bar.....

    16 in x 16 in quotDon39t Let Your Dreams Just be Dreamsquot by Boulder  Innovations Printed Wood Wall Art-93177-002 - The Home Depot
    catHedda GablerNotaroKurbenFlakeNoirMarshadoyoulove19
  • Thanks guys — 
  • Thanks guys — 
    De Nada Okay GIF - DeNada Okay ThumbsUp - Discover amp Share GIFs
    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirMarshacat
  • Heatwave Flakes?

    Hottest June in New Zealand since records began

    FlakeNoirMarshaHedda GablerNeesyGNTLGNT
  • Notaro said:
    Heatwave Flakes?

    Hottest June in New Zealand since records began

    Early in June it was quite warm, the last 2 weeks things have cooled off considerably.
    NotaroMarshaKurbenHedda GablerNeesyGNTLGNT
  • Here we finally got a welcome break from that awful heat

    It's about 14 C now which is a nice cool temperature - it's an overcast day

    - it's cloudy with a special air quality statement (according to my Canada weather app) - due to the wildfires over in BC (the West coast) the smoke is actually drifting as far as my province which is smack dab in the middle of Canada

    Hedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirGNTLGNT
  • We're in the province that says "MAN." with two lakes - Lake Winnipeg and Lake Manitoba

    The MAN stands for "Man, am I glad that heat has finally broken!"

    Hedda GablerKurbenNotaroFlakeNoirGNTLGNTMarsha
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