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I disagree. Your sense of humor may be snarkier than Erma's, but I don't think it comes from being mean. And I say that from a place of love.
people communicate like assholes in today’s world 🤣
but thanks for the vote of confidence .
The assholes are the mean ones. You're not an asshole or mean. Stop deflecting and just go with it
Do you need a Beta reader for your book?
Are your current Beta readers taking you for granted, not giving your story the focus it deserves?
Do you anxiously await feedback, only to get the bare minimum weeks later?
Would you like a fresh, wildcard set of eyes from an average reader?
Are you ready to take a chance with someone new? A person with Beta reading experience?
Seriously. Anyone need a beta reader?
I can personally attest to the qualifications of Hedda Gabler, Beta Reader, and highly recommend her services. She provides invaluable feedback that not only points out areas that are both good or need editing, but gives her reasons for the comments that make it easier to actually do the editing.
I meant every word.
But the real exciting news here is, my archenemy — The Gutter—banged against the house all night. I was a-skeered. I was waiting for it to swing off the trim and through my front window like Spiderman.