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Random Thoughts



  • edited October 2020
    Bev, you mentioned a while back that you would be doing an update on the site.  Has that happened or not yet?  And when it does, will tagging people work?  

    Will we get more time to edit?

    Can we get more complex reactions for those moments when I am baffled and boggled and appalled and want to laugh but know I shouldn't?  You know, those tags that really express the human emotions of an ever-changing world climate?

    Can we get a snack bar with gummi bears and Dr. Pepper?

    Thank you for your time.

     ;)  ;) ;) ;)
  • Bev, you mentioned a while back that you would be doing an update on the site.  Has that happened or not yet?  And when it does, will tagging people work?  

    Will we get more time to edit?

    Can we get more complex reactions for those moments when I am baffled and boggled and appalled and want to laugh but know I shouldn't?  You know, those tags that really express the human emotions of an ever-changing world climate?

    Can we get a snack bar with gummi bears and Dr. Pepper?

    Thank you for your time.

     ;)  ;) ;) ;)
    ....and while you're at it-fresh baked cookies daily and a free flowing font of infinite wisdom?......
    FlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablerNeesycatdoyoulove19Sundrop
  • Google has a game for Halloween. I suck!  My hands seized up like some arthritic skeleton.  
  • Google has a game for Halloween. I suck!  My hands seized up like some arthritic skeleton.  
    "Defeat a Ghost by drawing a symbol anywhere."

    Whaaaaaa? Like actually what? I'm drawing symbols everywhere and the damn ghost is just floating there staring at me. And the me... the floating cat, is just rolling my eyes... at me. 
    I'm too old for this sh*t. 
    NotaroGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Google has a game for Halloween. I suck!  My hands seized up like some arthritic skeleton.  
    "Defeat a Ghost by drawing a symbol anywhere."

    Whaaaaaa? Like actually what? I'm drawing symbols everywhere and the damn ghost is just floating there staring at me. And the me... the floating cat, is just rolling my eyes... at me. 
    I'm too old for this sh*t. 
    ....I won several levels, but then I pulled a hammy......
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerNotarodoyoulove19
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Google has a game for Halloween. I suck!  My hands seized up like some arthritic skeleton.  
    "Defeat a Ghost by drawing a symbol anywhere."

    Whaaaaaa? Like actually what? I'm drawing symbols everywhere and the damn ghost is just floating there staring at me. And the me... the floating cat, is just rolling my eyes... at me. 
    I'm too old for this sh*t. 
    You have to look at the symbol around the creature. Whatever that symbol is, you have to draw it.  If it's just a straight line, you draw a straight line.  If it's a -V-, you draw a -V-.  It gets harder and harder and I'm slower and slower.  

  • FlakeNoir said:
    Google has a game for Halloween. I suck!  My hands seized up like some arthritic skeleton.  
    "Defeat a Ghost by drawing a symbol anywhere."

    Whaaaaaa? Like actually what? I'm drawing symbols everywhere and the damn ghost is just floating there staring at me. And the me... the floating cat, is just rolling my eyes... at me. 
    I'm too old for this sh*t. 
    You have to look at the symbol around the creature. Whatever that symbol is, you have to draw it.  If it's just a straight line, you draw a straight line.  If it's a -V-, you draw a -V-.  It gets harder and harder and I'm slower and slower.  

    I was drawing a straight line like a muthaf****r and both creatures just stared at me as if I had stolen their last Rolo.
    Total failure. 
    It's too late for me now, it's November. 😄
    NotaroHedda GablerNeesyGNTLGNT
  • FlakeNoir said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    Google has a game for Halloween. I suck!  My hands seized up like some arthritic skeleton.  
    "Defeat a Ghost by drawing a symbol anywhere."

    Whaaaaaa? Like actually what? I'm drawing symbols everywhere and the damn ghost is just floating there staring at me. And the me... the floating cat, is just rolling my eyes... at me. 
    I'm too old for this sh*t. 
    You have to look at the symbol around the creature. Whatever that symbol is, you have to draw it.  If it's just a straight line, you draw a straight line.  If it's a -V-, you draw a -V-.  It gets harder and harder and I'm slower and slower.  

    I was drawing a straight line like a muthaf****r and both creatures just stared at me as if I had stolen their last Rolo.
    Total failure. 
    It's too late for me now, it's November. 😄
    They archive them so you can still play.   I won’t be playing 🤪
  • It gets harder and harder and I'm slower and slower.  

    ....seems custom made to me......

    Best Thats What She Said GIFs  Gfycat

    NeesyFlakeNoirHedda GablerNotaroSundrop
  • edited November 2020
    I just earned this:

    5772miles Instagram posts - Gramhocom

    My next badge is Earth Diameter.

    I have to go from 5772 miles to 7900 miles to earn that one. I calculate it will take me a year and a month or so to get it.
  • I just earned this:

    5772miles Instagram posts - Gramhocom

    My next badge is Earth Diameter.

    I have to go from 5772 miles to 7900 miles to earn that one. I calculate it will take me a year and a month or so to get it.
    Outstanding Achievement Stock Illustrations  1339 Outstanding Achievement  Stock Illustrations Vectors  Clipart - Dreamstime
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroNeesyspideyman
  • Going to get my driver's side front window fixed on Tuesday - hope it doesn't cost a fortune! (It's gone down and won't go back up)

    FlakeNoirHedda GablerspideymanNotaroGNTLGNT
  • Neesy said:
    Going to get my driver's side front window fixed on Tuesday - hope it doesn't cost a fortune! (It's gone down and won't go back up)

    Aww i had this happen with our truck but i finally got it back up!
  • Neesy said:
    Going to get my driver's side front window fixed on Tuesday - hope it doesn't cost a fortune! (It's gone down and won't go back up)

    ...c'mon....that's way way to easy......

    thats what she said gifs  WiffleGif
    Hedda GablerNeesySundrop
  • Hedda Gabler said:
    i finally got it back up!
    How did you miss this one Scott... 

    FlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesySundrop
  • Notaro said:
    Hedda Gabler said:
    i finally got it back up!
    How did you miss this one Scott... 

    ....oh believe me, I saw it.....but I can't be a complete ninnyhammer all da time.....
    Hedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirNeesy
  • Did our badge award system get turned off?  I haven't earned any badges for a long time.  

    I just know there was a Shut the F Up Badge in my future.

  • Did our badge award system get turned off?  I haven't earned any badges for a long time.  

    I just know there was a Shut the F Up Badge in my future.

    No it's still working Hedda, I got the 1000 posts badge on the 6th of this month.. 
  • Notaro said:
    Did our badge award system get turned off?  I haven't earned any badges for a long time.  

    I just know there was a Shut the F Up Badge in my future.

    No it's still working Hedda, I got the 1000 posts badge on the 6th of this month.. 
    well, obviously i need to up my game.

    I need to do some stretches first or i’m gonna be sore in the morning. 

  • Notaro said:
    Did our badge award system get turned off?  I haven't earned any badges for a long time.  

    I just know there was a Shut the F Up Badge in my future.

    No it's still working Hedda, I got the 1000 posts badge on the 6th of this month.. 
    well, obviously i need to up my game.

    I need to do some stretches first or i’m gonna be sore in the morning. 


    Muttley GIFs  Tenor

    FlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNT
  • Neesy said:
    Notaro said:
    Did our badge award system get turned off?  I haven't earned any badges for a long time.  

    I just know there was a Shut the F Up Badge in my future.

    No it's still working Hedda, I got the 1000 posts badge on the 6th of this month.. 
    well, obviously i need to up my game.

    I need to do some stretches first or i’m gonna be sore in the morning. 


    Muttley GIFs  Tenor

    Okay, I remember this dog. What's his name?  I cannot for the life of me remember his name?
  • Neesy said:
    Notaro said:
    Did our badge award system get turned off?  I haven't earned any badges for a long time.  

    I just know there was a Shut the F Up Badge in my future.

    No it's still working Hedda, I got the 1000 posts badge on the 6th of this month.. 
    well, obviously i need to up my game.

    I need to do some stretches first or i’m gonna be sore in the morning. 


    Muttley GIFs  Tenor

    Okay, I remember this dog. What's his name?  I cannot for the life of me remember his name?
    His name is Muttley...... he's with Dick Dastardly in a couple of shows I watched when I was a kid....

    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesydoyoulove19
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