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Random Thoughts



  • GNTLGNT said:
    Forty-Six Horrifying Pop Tart Flavors That Are Fake Thank God
    we need a disgusting face thing too.  YUCK!
  • I think that's what the WTF one is for.
    catGNTLGNTNotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoirEdwardJohnSundrop
  • About 3 days ago while watering my garden I saw this little flash of black run through some bushes.  I put the hose down and investigated and it was a kitten.  No mom, no other kittens. Just all by itself in my backyard.  I tried to get it but the little thing was so fast and was able to climb my fence and flee.  So, must have been a little older than I thought, but if so, it was tiny.  Meaning it was probably malnourished.  

    So since then, I'm constantly watching for this little kit.  I'm so upset I didn't get it but I have no idea where it went.  

    So many worries out there for something so small.  And it doesn't help that we have a nesting hawk who floats the skies.

    worry worry worry.
  • Hedda are there any neighbours close by who might own it or might know who does ?
  • About 3 days ago while watering my garden I saw this little flash of black run through some bushes.  I put the hose down and investigated and it was a kitten.  No mom, no other kittens. Just all by itself in my backyard.  I tried to get it but the little thing was so fast and was able to climb my fence and flee.  So, must have been a little older than I thought, but if so, it was tiny.  Meaning it was probably malnourished.  

    So since then, I'm constantly watching for this little kit.  I'm so upset I didn't get it but I have no idea where it went.  

    So many worries out there for something so small.  And it doesn't help that we have a nesting hawk who floats the skies.

    worry worry worry.
    .....put out a small dish of milk and either a tin of food or some dry kitten kibble....if it's in the vicinity and hungry-you'll see it again and be able to assuage your worry and feed your nurturing side.....my dad was a classic example of taking in every hungry critter that wandered into The Ranch acreage.....I think the furry ones had a marking system like the hobos used to.....letting others know where they could bed down safely and get a meal.....
    Hedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoircat
  • edited July 2020
    GNTLGNT said:
    About 3 days ago while watering my garden I saw this little flash of black run through some bushes.  I put the hose down and investigated and it was a kitten.  No mom, no other kittens. Just all by itself in my backyard.  I tried to get it but the little thing was so fast and was able to climb my fence and flee.  So, must have been a little older than I thought, but if so, it was tiny.  Meaning it was probably malnourished.  

    So since then, I'm constantly watching for this little kit.  I'm so upset I didn't get it but I have no idea where it went.  

    So many worries out there for something so small.  And it doesn't help that we have a nesting hawk who floats the skies.

    worry worry worry.
    .....put out a small dish of milk and either a tin of food or some dry kitten kibble....if it's in the vicinity and hungry-you'll see it again and be able to assuage your worry and feed your nurturing side.....my dad was a classic example of taking in every hungry critter that wandered into The Ranch acreage.....I think the furry ones had a marking system like the hobos used to.....letting others know where they could bed down safely and get a meal.....
    I've been doing that and all I've seen eating it is squirrels!  So, I am really hoping that little thing found it's home and is living large.
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Forty-Six Horrifying Pop Tart Flavors That Are Fake Thank God
    we need a disgusting face thing too.  YUCK!
    ... What? ... 
  • I think that's what the WTF one is for.
    Indeed. :)
  • Notaro said:
    Hedda are there any neighbours close by who might own it or might know who does ?
    Sorry I didn't answer you, I just saw this.  

    Yes, I have asked neighbors if they have a cat with kittens or know someone with a little family and nobody knows anyone. 

    And I'm seeing no signs of the little thing.
  • Fingers crossed the little guy will show up again, and hopefully you'll be able to grab him.
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNTcat
  • Aw @Hedda Gabler that would have me worried too, but maybe it just means they've gone home. 
    If it comes back, hopefully you can coax it in with food... gawd, imagine what the boys would make of that though! 
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTcat
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Aw @Hedda Gabler that would have me worried too, but maybe it just means they've gone home. 
    If it comes back, hopefully you can coax it in with food... gawd, imagine what the boys would make of that though! 
    I couldn't keep it or bring it in the house given my one kitty's recent illness. I wouldn't want to expose him to anything.

    But, we have a no kill shelter I can take it to that will doctor it and re-home it.
  • No sign of kitten.  And I have 3 nesting hawks cruising the currents.  So I'm thinking, mom, dad and juvenile all on the hunt.

    I so hope this little guy is safe.
  • Random Question for @BevVincent
    Bev, do you remember where your first short story was published? 
  • Going to try to share this, I think it is a public fb page so I think everyone can see it. But this happened the other day, just random...


    No one knew he was coming, he just stopped and hung out for a while. Pretty cool, even if you're not a "skater". 
  • cat said:
    Going to try to share this, I think it is a public fb page so I think everyone can see it. But this happened the other day, just random...


    No one knew he was coming, he just stopped and hung out for a while. Pretty cool, even if you're not a "skater". 
    Awww, I can't see it because I don't facebook.  It tells me to log in.

    Was it Tony Hawk?
  • Yes! He just pulled in to our little skate park and signed autographs for like an hour. 

    I tried to pull it off the website instead of fb but it wasn't posted there for some reason. 
    NotaroHedda GablerspideymanFlakeNoirGNTLGNTdoyoulove19
  • edited July 2020
    I love that.  I know these celebrities of whatever nature want their privacy, but just these random acts of civility and kindness -- it can really MEAN something to someone.  They can change someone's whole day and possibly their life. 

    I've often read someone's story about how a chance encounter changed their whole outlook, influenced their way in the world.

    That is so awesome.  Love it.
  • Yeah, I think it is awesome when celebrities do stuff like that, too. The kids who were there were over the moon I bet! 
    Hedda GablerNotarospideymanFlakeNoirGNTLGNT
  • And just for fun, check out the "Activity" label under your name.  You can see when new members register, what badges everyone is getting and Sunny just earned 5 WTF's.  

    It's a proud, proud day.
  • And just for fun, check out the "Activity" label under your name.  You can see when new members register, what badges everyone is getting and Sunny just earned 5 WTF's.  

    It's a proud, proud day.
    Way to go @S@Sundrop!  Atta girl!!   :D >:)
    GNTLGNTcatFlakeNoirHedda Gablerspideyman
  • And sadly, I have no WTFs!  I must attempt to do better!  LMAO
    NotaroBevVincentGNTLGNTcatFlakeNoirOut of OrderHedda GablerEdwardJohnspideyman
  • And sadly, I have no WTFs!  I must attempt to do better!  LMAO
    Got one now....😝
    GNTLGNTcatFlakeNoirHedda Gablerdoyoulove19spideyman
  • And sadly, I have no WTFs!  I must attempt to do better!  LMAO
    "And what prompted you to log in this morning?"
    "Well clearly I had to immediately WTF DoYa!"
    Out of OrdercatNotaroHedda Gablerdoyoulove19GNTLGNTspideyman
  • I’d like to get in the line to WTF do1you9?🤗
    catFlakeNoirHedda Gablerdoyoulove19GNTLGNTspideyman
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