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Ka-tet Cantina 2020



  • 165 Best GIFs GREETINGSGOOD MORNINGAFTERNOON images  Good  (((all in need or not)))
    Out of OrderNotarocatdoyoulove19GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirSundrop
  • Hello friends! Hope you are all doing great, staying cool, not getting COVID, and enjoying life in spite of all the craziness. I'm doing pretty swell.  It's hot but we got a fantastic storm today and I've got some new headphones.  I just don't enjoy earbuds- they are so hard to handle and keep and charge and UGH!!  So the Ogre got me old school plug in headphones (they can be wireless, but no thank you!).  I love them - 1000 times better than earbuds.  It feels like 1982.  I'm in love.   Noise cancelling - just shut the world out.

    I wish I had some excitement to share.  Alas, nope. Just hot and same as it ever was, except with a pandemic.  

    Hey Holly-girl!!

    New headphones are exciting!  I have some that are due to deliver today.  An actual headset with microphone too, since I do so many Zoom meetings these days!  I can't wait to try them out!  We'll compare notes!   :D
    GNTLGNTHedda GablercatFlakeNoirOut of Order
  • FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    44 Best Funny Winnie-the-Pooh memes images in 2020  Winnie the
    Once again... so conflicted. No sorry, I can't decide. Just know Scott, that I'm giving you 50% lol and 50 % WTF. :D 
    ....I know it's sick, but I just laughed way to hard.....I am a bad man.....
    Notarodoyoulove19Hedda GablercatFlakeNoirOut of OrderSundrop
  • spideyman said:
    Passing a message on... Frank, from the Playground, sends his regards to everyone.
    A happy hello right back to Frank!  I hope he is doing great out there in the big world!
    catdoyoulove19spideymanFlakeNoirOut of OrderNotaroGNTLGNTSundrop
  • spideyman said:
    Passing a message on... Frank, from the Playground, sends his regards to everyone.
    A happy hello right back to Frank!  I hope he is doing great out there in the big world!
    Ditto... hi Frank! I hope he's happy and well. :) 
    spideymanNotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablercatOut of Orderdoyoulove19Sundrop
  • .....love ya Frank!!.....come play with us!....
    MONSTERPALOOZA - Come play with us Forever and ever  Facebook
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirspideymancatNotaroOut of Orderdoyoulove19Sundrop
  • I think I speak for all when I say its great to have Holly here. :)
    catOut of OrderGNTLGNT
  • Eyeore Jennifer Milsaps McFaden -- very funny   Eeyore Eeyore

    Have a good Friday!!  (((all in need or not)))
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTdoyoulove19Out of OrdercatSundrop
  • spideyman said:
    Eyeore Jennifer Milsaps McFaden -- very funny   Eeyore Eeyore

    Have a good Friday!!  (((all in need or not)))
    spideymanGNTLGNTdoyoulove19catFlakeNoirSundropHedda GablerNotaro
  • Editing eh? :)
    Out of OrderGNTLGNT
  • Zen Have ABeautiful Saturday GIF - Zen HaveABeautifulSaturday(((all in need or not)))
    FlakeNoirEdwardJohnGNTLGNTHedda GablerOut of OrderNotarodoyoulove19
  • I just received a promotion ~ thanks Bev!
    GNTLGNTspideymanFlakeNoirOut of OrderNotarodoyoulove19
  • I just received a promotion ~ thanks Bev!
    Congratulations on your promotion - YouTube
    spideymanFlakeNoirnot_nadineOut of OrderNotarodoyoulove19
  • Happy and Inspirational Sunday Quotes  A Day Well Spent
    (((all in need or not)))
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerOut of Orderdoyoulove19
  • Just checking in for a minute or two.  Spent yesterday on the river until the thunderstorm ran us into the barn to seek shelter.  We waited out the storm with good friends and tall tales.  It was nice to just hang out with friends and laugh for a bit.
    FlakeNoirNotaroGNTLGNTspideymanHedda GablerOut of Orderdoyoulove19
  • Sundrop said:
    Just checking in for a minute or two.  Spent yesterday on the river until the thunderstorm ran us into the barn to seek shelter.  We waited out the storm with good friends and tall tales.  It was nice to just hang out with friends and laugh for a bit.
    It's good to see you checking in (((Sunny))) I've been wondering how you've been doing. 
    NotaroGNTLGNTspideymanSundropOut of Orderdoyoulove19
  • Pin on Made Us Chuckle

    (((all in need ot not)))
    GNTLGNTFlakeNoirSundropNotaroOut of Orderdoyoulove19
  • Sundrop said:
    Just checking in for a minute or two.  Spent yesterday on the river until the thunderstorm ran us into the barn to seek shelter.  We waited out the storm with good friends and tall tales.  It was nice to just hang out with friends and laugh for a bit.
    What was the most unusual thing you saw on your kayak adventures?

    Glad you enjoyed yourself.
    NotarospideymanOut of Orderdoyoulove19GNTLGNT
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Sundrop said:
    Just checking in for a minute or two.  Spent yesterday on the river until the thunderstorm ran us into the barn to seek shelter.  We waited out the storm with good friends and tall tales.  It was nice to just hang out with friends and laugh for a bit.
    It's good to see you checking in (((Sunny))) I've been wondering how you've been doing. 
    Thanks Flake ♥
    I'm gonna be just fine.  I have no regrets, and would do it all over again in a heartbeat.....except for the breakup part. That part really sucks :tongue:
    NotarospideymanOut of Orderdoyoulove19FlakeNoirGNTLGNTcat
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Motivation Monday  Never A Dull Bling
    You've talked me into it.  Today, I'm a shark......watch your asses, folks!!! 
    NotaroHedda GablerspideymanOut of Orderdoyoulove19FlakeNoirGNTLGNTcat
  • Sundrop said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    Motivation Monday  Never A Dull Bling
    You've talked me into it.  Today, I'm a shark......watch your asses, folks!!! 
    Dundun... dundundundun.... B)
    NotaroOut of OrderspideymanSundropFlakeNoirGNTLGNTcat
  • Sundrop said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    Motivation Monday  Never A Dull Bling
    You've talked me into it.  Today, I'm a shark......watch your asses, folks!!! 
    Dundun... dundundundun.... B)
    This is not a boat accident!!

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