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Still no plans for gathering your greatest hits into one book?  


  • Not at the moment. I have two four-story compilations out there that would give people a good sampling of my stories. Next up, though, is a novella -- my longest piece of fiction ever published.
  • Is this written and being put together as you speak?  Is there a tentative date of publish?
  • Yes, it's a project I did together with Brian Keene -- we each wrote a novella while listening to a playlist created by the other author. We have a deal for a limited hardcover and maybe a paperback, but this COVID thing has slowed things down a little.
  • edited March 2020
    Dang.  I hope once we get past this, things will pick up quickly.  Keep us posted!
  • Yes, it's a project I did together with Brian Keene -- we each wrote a novella while listening to a playlist created by the other author. We have a deal for a limited hardcover and maybe a paperback, but this COVID thing has slowed things down a little.
    That is such a brilliant idea! Who came up with this? Did you find you really tried to influence each other's writing into a specific direction? Do the end product/s go wildly off base from what you might have predicted?
  • We've been talking about this project for well over a decade. We knew we shared some musical tastes and wildly diverged in others. We didn't really try to influence the other person's writing so much as create a mood. My story had virtually nothing to do with the songs Brian picked for me, but listening to nothing else while I wrote created a mood, for sure. 
  • Anxious to see it in print.
  • We've been talking about this project for well over a decade. We knew we shared some musical tastes and wildly diverged in others. We didn't really try to influence the other person's writing so much as create a mood. My story had virtually nothing to do with the songs Brian picked for me, but listening to nothing else while I wrote created a mood, for sure. 
    Anxious to see it in print.
    Me too! I think it's such a clever idea. 
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