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The View From the Top
This short story will appear in issue #6 of Shroud magazine.
The View from the Top is reprinted in Rage Against the Night edited by Shane Jiraiya Cummings. Under the onslaught of supernatural evil, the acts of good people can seem insignificant, but a courageous few stand apart. These brave men and women stand up to the darkness, stare it right in the eye, and give it the finger. These are the stories of those who rage against the night, stories of triumph, sacrifice, and bravery in the face of overwhelming evil.
All proceeds will be donated to Rocky Wood, author and President of the Horror Writers Association, who is battling motor neurone disease.
The lineup of contributors is impressive, and includes Stephen King, Ramsey Campbell and Peter Straub.
The eBook version (only $3.99) is now available, with the print copy to follow in January. You can get it for Kindle at Amazon or in a variety of eBook formats at Smashwords.
The full table of contents (in order of appearance) is:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Against-Night-Shane-Jiraiya-Cummings/dp/0980567750/
B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/books/1108178635
Thanks to all those who bought the charity anthology, 'Rage Against the Night, an Ebook by Shane Jiraiya Cummings' i was just able to donate over $1100 to Motor Neurone Disease Association of Victoria and Bethlehem Hospital, here in Melbourne.
Horror fans, check it out. http://tinyurl.com/mm74x65