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Onyx reviews: The Inheritance by
Simon Tolkien
One reason The Inheritance is set in 1959, as the author explains in
his introduction, is that the British justice system at that time offered only a
symbolic appeal process for people sentenced to hang. The sentences
were carried out expeditiously, often after only a few weeks. This gave a wrongly
convicted person little time to clear his name. It's a good way to generate
By devoting the prologue to an atrocity
committed in Marjean, Normandy during World War II, Tolkien shows his hand: the murder
at the heart of The Inheritance must be connected to those events. Three
British soldiers ambush a truckload of German soldiers and appropriate their
weapons. Their leader, Colonel Cody, uses the confusion of wartime to search for an
ancient codex containing the gospel of St. Luke and, according to legend, clues to an even
more valuable relic. Cody and his co-conspirators use the stolen weapons to
execute the Rocard family after the ensuing confrontation goes bad. An
investigation into the massacre concludes that the Rocards, suspected German
collaborators, were killed by retreating Nazis. Cody gets his codex, but not the
information he needs to unlock its secrets. When Stephen
Cody overhears a conversation between his father and Sergeant Ritter about what
they did at Marjean, he and his father—now
Professor Cody—become estranged. The elder Cody was wounded during a
return trip to Marjean after the war and is now cloistered in posh, gothic Moreton
Manor, terrified that someone wants
to kill him. As it turns out, his fears were justified. Someone pits a bullet
into his forehead and his son is the prime suspect. Stephen has ample motive—his
father was planning to disinherit his sons—and his fingerprints are on the murder
weapon and on the key used to lock the room where the murder took place. He was
found standing next to the victim. His stories about foreign strangers in luxury
vehicles near the estate and an aimless walk on the grounds at the time of
the murder sound like the fabrications of a desperate man. Detective Inspector William
Trave was convinced of Stephen's guilt at the time of the murder, but now
that the trial is under way he is changing his mind. Stephen's older brother,
the adopted Silas, a sullen, uncommunicative voyeur, seems a likelier candidate, but Stephen won't let his lawyer cast suspicion on his
brother. There are other possible culprits, including the daughter of a man
whose reputation Professor Cody destroyed to elevate his
own academic status, and Ritter, the violent sergeant who instigated
the Marjean executions. Though the events in wartime France keep coming up,
neither Trave nor Stephen's lawyer can find any connection to Cody's murder.
Until recently, no
one knew the truth other than the three men who were present that day—they
left no witnesses. When the other member of their cabal threatened to blackmail
Cody, Ritter took care
of him. The
whodunit, which borders on being a locked room mystery, is well executed. Tolkien
introduces a manageable number of suspects and gives each one an interesting
story and secrets that might lead to motive. The Ritters' dysfunctional
relationship and Ritter's penchant for belittling people, coupled with Silas's
tawdry predilections, makes for a deadly combination.
Sasha Vigne, Professor Cody's research assistant, who bears scars of unknown
origin, and who is the only person other than Cody who knows the
truth about the codex's secret, is dealing with her father's infirmity and her
own obsession with the historical relic the manuscript may point to. The Cody
brothers have a well fleshed out relationship dominated by the way Silas was
relegated to secondary citizen status after Stephen was born. Inspector Trave is
a morose, grieving father who lost his son to an accident, and later lost his wife when the trauma of that accident took its
toll on their marriage. The book's title
doesn't refer to the codex; instead, the inheritance is a legacy of violence and
retribution—the sins of the father descending upon his sons. The codex is something of a
MacGuffin, almost a nod to the subgenre of thrillers devoted to the location of
medieval religious icons popularized by Dan Brown and others. Tolkien is the
grandson of J.R.R. Tolkien, the author of The Lord of the Rings. Readers
familiar with that classic fantasy series may be taken aback by the genre Simon
Tolkien has chosen. However, his work should be considered on its own merits. The Inheritance
has more in common with the works of P.D. James and Agatha Christie than with
the author's ancestor's books. A barrister, Tolkien knows the inner workings and
procedures of the British legal system, which allows him to create compelling,
detailed and accurate courtroom scenes. He does an excellent job of misdirecting
readers, who shouldn't feel cheated when the truth is revealed at the end.
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