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Onyx reviews: Bad Boy by Peter
Juliet Doyle finds a handgun in her daughter Erin's bedroom. The discovery is
disturbing and surprising, especially in Britain, where guns are scarce and most
of the police aren't armed. Mrs. Doyle, a former neighbor and family friend of Inspector
Banks, hopes that he can handle the distressing situation discreetly.
Unfortunately the Inspector is on "gardening leave" in America,
decompressing from recent stresses. That
means the case goes through normal channels. In the UK, possession of a handgun
means a mandatory five year prison term. Authorized Firearms Officers, members
of the Armed Response Team, are called
in and the Doyle home is stormed in much the same way that drug labs and
gangster hideouts are raided in
the US. In the confusion, one of the officers shoots Mr. Doyle with a Taser. The
man's heart gives out and he dies, which triggers an internal investigation into
how the
situation was handled. The gun in question has a history. Erin stole it from her
Bangladeshi boyfriend, Jaffar McCready, in a fit of
pique after she saw him making out with one of her closest friends—Inspector
Banks' daughter, Tracy. When investigators show up at the apartment Erin and
Tracy share with another girl, Tracy warns Jaff to expect the police, not
realizing that she's walking into a lion's den. Jaff, exotic, charming and
handsome, a womanizer in every sense of the word, has a dark side. He's the bad
boy that young women are incapable of resisting. When he and Tracy watch the
news and he realizes that his gun is in the hands of the police, he's forced to
go underground. Tracy takes him to her father's rural cottage while he figures out what to do next. He's in
possession of another weapon, and a large quantity of drugs and cash, but he doesn't
yet know that Tracy is a cop's daughter. The
book's success depends completely on readers' willingness to accept the actions
of this twenty-four year old woman. She seems old enough to know better, but
there are countless instances in life of people who make stupid choices that mount up to
the point that it becomes difficult to extricate themselves from the mess. At
first, not understanding the magnitude of the problem, she is a willing
co-conspirator. She's been working in a bookstore, clubbing, taking recreational
drugs. Searching for her identity while risking losing it at the same
time. Everything goes sideways when Jaff finds a letter in the cottage
addressed to DCI Banks of the
Yorkshire Constabulary. Tracy is no longer a friendly collaborator, she's his
A negotiating chip in case he gets cornered. Jaff convinces her that if she
escapes he'll come looking for her. Tracy is suddenly in fear for
her life and, though there has been an emotional distance between her father for
a number of years (she thinks Banks favored her younger brother, a successful
musician, and she believes he is disappointed by her poor showing on her
university exams), she reverts to a little girl who wants her daddy. Inspector
Banks isn't as philosophical as
Inspector Dalgliesh (P.D. James), nor as hard drinking and maudlin as Inspector
Rebus (Ian Rankin), but he is a renegade and a deep thinker. He's had a run of
bad luck with women (separated from his wife, uncertain about his relationship
with his partner, Detective Inspector Annie Cabot), and he's never been a
stickler for protocol. The scenes
featuring his adventures in San Francisco give Robinson a chance to explore America from
a British perspective. Robinson was born in the UK but emigrated to Canada,
where he still lives, though his books are all set in the Yorkshire of his
youth. Banks is bemused by how friendly people in the service industry are in
America. "A grunt is the most likely response to a hello" in a British
pub, he muses. He finishes off his vacation with a one-night stand with a woman
he meets at a wine tasting. When Banks returns to England, he is thrown into
the investigation and manhunt, which takes on a more serious tenor when a police
officer is seriously wounded. Banks must tread a delicate line between cop and father. It's
surprising that he isn't sidelined altogether, but he is well enough respected
that an exception is made in his case. The book relies overmuch on stereotypes of the genre,
including a sadistic sociopath and the obligatory conflict between the internal
affairs division (Professional Standards in the UK) and the regular cops. Superintendent Reg Chambers
is uniformly antagonistic, with no redeeming characteristics whatsoever. Though
it's a moot point, Chambers assumes that if Banks had been present when Juliet
Doyle reported the firearm he would have disregarded proper procedure. Robinson
also stereotypes a lesbian officer, Nerys Powell, making her an officer who has
risen to a position of responsibility but who behaves rashly because of
unrequited attraction to another officer. Bad Boy is a police
procedural, not a mystery novel. The culprits are known from the outset and the
only question is how the police will bring them to justice and what collateral
damage will happen along the way. The resolution to the kidnapping is
surprising, but it leads to a rather protracted denouement where the
Inspector Banks and an officer who acted on her own initiative are
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