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Onyx reviews: I'll Be Gone in the Dark by Michelle McNamara
Reviewed by Bev Vincent, 03/18/2018
True Crime blogger Michelle McNamara dubbed him the Golden State Killer (GSK),
but during his reign of terror from the mid-70s through the mid-80s he was
originally called the East Area Rapist (EAR) and later the Original Night
Stalker (ONS) because his crime spree predated Richard Ramirez, the Night
GSK operated in the greater San Francisco area at first, but his spree
included crimes all over the state. Approximately fifty rapes and a dozen
murders have been attributed to him, the crimes linked by specific elements of
his modus operandi and by DNA. Despite the prevalence of DNA evidence collected
at the scenes of his crimes, he has never been identified, nor have there been
any familial matches in the various databases to assist in determining who he
McNamara became interested in true crime at an early age. A young woman was
murdered in their neighborhood and the killer was never
caught. She and her friends visited the crime scene and collected souvenirs. Over the years, her interest blossomed with the advent of websites
devoted to specific historical mysteries in which amateur sleuths attempted to
solve cold cases by sharing information and crowd-sourcing investigative avenues
that were beyond the resources of local law enforcement. Someone might, for
example, track down and digitize yearbooks or phone directories that could be
used to cross reference with other evidence.
Her fascination became obsession with the GSK case. She was a frequent
visitor to a blogging site where people exchanged theories and speculated about
the killer's identity, quickly becoming one of the site's most prolific posters.
Eventually she elevated her status from well-informed amateur to
quasi-professional. Law enforcement officers—in particular, retired
detectives who were themselves obsessed by the crime, the one that got away—provided
her with reams and boxes of files from the investigation, and some even took her
out to the locations of the crimes, providing first-hand insight into the way
neighborhoods looked at the time and some details that never made it into
criminal reports. One of the book's greatest strengths—and it has many—is
the way in which McNamara is able to recreate the sense of the era...what life
was like for these individuals some forty years ago during a time which seems
somewhat alien to modern readers.
The GSK's M.O. is guaranteed to give readers sleepless nights, especially
those alone at home at night. He stalked his prey for days, perhaps even weeks,
making note of their routines. He surveilled their homes, making sure he knew
how to break in and escape. At first, he attacked women alone at home, but he
upped his game, attacking couples—forcing the women to tie up their
partners so they would be helpless as he assaulted them. After a close call
where he was nearly caught, the GSK changed his methods once again. No longer
would he leave witnesses alive. Thus the EAR became the GSK.
He appeared to revel in terrorizing people. He was known to call or write to
his previous victims, forcing them to relive the worst days of their lives. With
so much evidence, it seems amazing in this day and age that he wasn't caught.
Multiple theories abounded. There seemed to be a connection to real estate, as
many of his attacks took place in houses where the victims had only recently
moved in. A number of the couples had only recently been married. A number of
the attacks took place in close proximity to regional airports, leading some to
theorize that he owned a private airplane. And yet, the best IdentiKit portrait
shows a man wearing a ski mask. The multitude of details pertaining to his
physical description contradict each other wildly. Only his shoe size has been
well established.
How obsessed was McNamara? She doesn't hold back from critiquing her
behavior. The way she receded into the background at red carpet events, often
looking to her phone to bring her the latest tidbit in the case. In one telling
scene, she recounts the perfect, thoughtful gift her husband, actor Patton
Oswalt, got her for their anniversary. She, on the other hand, had neglected to
buy him anything at all, not even a card. Ultimately, the quest for GSK got the
better of her. She died from an accidental overdose coupled with an undiagnosed
heart problem before completing this book, which was finished by by her lead
researcher, Paul Haynes, and crime journalist Billy Jensen, who had to comb
through her notes and stockpiles of evidence.
The book is subtitled "One Woman's Obsessive Search for the
Golden State Killer." Despite her years of diligent work, and the clarity
with which McNamara presents the details of both the crimes and her extensive
research, she wasn't able to identify the killer. Everyone associated with the
quest to find GSK shared a common belief: they didn't care who found out
who he was so long as someone did. It's entirely possible that the killer is
dead or moved to a different state after the dragnet grew too intensive. The
fact that his DNA hasn't provided any help in identifying him is frustrating to
everyone involved. Perhaps this book will spur the next wave of internet sleuths
and ultimately bring this monster to justice.
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