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Onyx reviews: The Children Act by Ian McEwan
Reviewed by Bev Vincent, 08/23/2014
The Children Act might be described as a small book. It's only a little more
than two hundred pages and focuses exclusively on one character, Fiona Maye,
a family court judge in London who is approaching sixty. However, the book
tackles big concepts about the legal system, religion, marriage and even the
place music has in life.
Fiona and her husband,
Jack, a professor of ancient history, have never found time to
raise a family and recently don't even have time for sex. The book opens with Jack's
stunning announcement that he wants to engage in an affair with a much younger
woman. He doesn't want a divorce—in fact, he doesn't want anything in
their marriage to change. He still loves Fiona, he claims, but his sexual needs
aren't being met (he knows to the day how long it's been since the last time
they made love), so something has to change. At least he's asking up front
instead of sneaking around and having her find out later on.
Naturally, her husband's proposal doesn't sound as reasonable to Fiona as it
does to him, so a crisis in their long marriage occurs. Fiona has to be aware of
appearances, so she keeps their conflict from her colleagues but finds herself
in the unusual position of sitting in judgment of the lives of other families
while her own is crumbling.
It's more than sex, her husband admits when forced to explore his feelings.
Fiona has been emotionally unavailable for months. She no longer shares what's
on her mind. Fiona knows exactly what has been troubling her, but can't find the
words to explain it. She was asked recently to make a difficult decision and
though she has been lauded for her rational judgment, the outcome still weighs
heavily on her. She allowed a hospital to sacrifice an unviable child to save
the life of his conjoined twin. Without action, both children would have died,
and the parents were willing to let things go God's way. Fiona is guided by the
1989 Children Act, which puts the welfare of the child ahead of all other
In another case that is more central to the novel, Fiona overrides a teenager
with leukemia and his parents when they refuse a life-saving blood transfusion
on religious grounds. Shaken by her rocky relationship, she becomes more
involved in the case than usual. Her judgment is clouded and a lapse drives home
the importance of what she does and how her decisions impact the lives of
McEwan lays out the cases Fiona handles in depth, along with her rationale
for making her decisions. Some cases, McEwan states in the afterword, are based
on real life but that's not what's important about them. Fiona must decide what
is in the best interests of the child or children in these situations and what
the word "welfare" means, or can mean, in different
The book also delves into religion and the level to which society must or
should take into account the sometimes arcane beliefs of non-mainstream sects
(and, by extension, even the more mainstream ones). The metaphor that captures
this book's argument is the contrast between Fiona, who is level-headed and
rational and her husband, who is passionate and, McEwan seems to imply,
irrational in much the same way that overly zealous people can be. Should
children be allowed to die when to act contravenes the fundamental beliefs of
parents? How much should the court take into account the fervent belief system
of a teenager who is only slightly under the age where he can legally make his
own medical decisions? Fiona's intervention in the boy's case has unexpected
implications: for the boy, for his family and their religious tenets, and for
Fiona herself and her troubled marriage.
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