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Onyx reviews: I'd Know You Anywhere by Laura Lippman
Over twenty years ago, Elizabeth Lerner was kidnapped by a socially inept
man who attacked young women and then murdered them to cover his tracks.
"The summer she was fifteen" is the code phrase she and her husband
use to refer to that time. Her captor, Walter Bowman, was ultimately arrested
and convicted of two murders and is currently sitting on Death Row. The case drew
a little national attention at the time, and a true crime book was written about
it, but Eliza has put all that behind her. After she was
rescued, her family moved so she could go to a school where the
other students didn't see her as a rape victim. She shortened her name to Eliza
and adopted her husband Peter's last name, Benedict, after they got married. Few
people know what happened to her. She intends to
tell her two children only when she thinks they're ready to handle it. The
letter she receives from Bowman is an unwelcome invasion of her privacy and a
threat to her family's stability. The Benedicts recently returned to the
US after living in England for six years. Eliza is having trouble with
her moody teenage daughter, Isobel (Iso), who resents being uprooted from her
friends and is acting out in school, and her 8-year-old son Albie, who suffers
frequent nightmares. I'd
Know You Anywhere alternates between the present and 1985, the summer Eliza was
fifteen. On the day she was taken, she was heading toward a dive her
parents forbade her from frequenting, dressed like a Madonna wannabe. She stumbled upon Bowman shortly after he
finished burying the body of his latest
victim. For reasons he can't even explain to himself, instead of killing Eliza, he takes her with him. He knows that he can't stay around the area, so they
go on an erratic road trip. He keeps Eliza from trying to escape by telling her
that he knows where she lives. He'll kill her family if she runs away. For her
part, Eliza keeps Bowman entertained by telling him stories in the tradition of Scheherazade,
and she learns how to manage his insecurities about his lack of education. He takes
odd jobs, but money is tight and they end up camping and eating junk food most
of the time. Eliza's memory of those six weeks is fairly clear, even all these
years later, but there are details about which she isn't clear, especially (and
tellingly) the events leading up to Bowman's capture. Eliza was
the one who got away, the only one of his victims to survive the encounter.
Another girl, Holly, was murdered in Eliza's presence, and Eliza had opportunities during her weeks-long
ordeal to
escape or report what was happening to her, but she
didn't, which did not endear her to Bowman's prosecutor. The author of the true crime book insinuated that Eliza colluded with
Bowman, that she wasn't entirely innocent. Holly's mother, who essentially gave
up living after Holly's death, despises
Eliza for surviving and for not saving her daughter. Bowman sees Eliza in a society photograph
in The Washingtonian magazine. Though he hasn't seen her in decades, he'd know her
anywhere. He reaches out to her through an
intermediary, a woman named Barbara LaFortuny who acts as a
prisoners' advocate. At first, Barbara conveys letters back and forth. She then
presses Eliza to accept collect phone calls from the prison. Sensing that Eliza
is reluctant to increase her contact with her former attacker, Barbara goes so
far as to show up announced when Eliza is walking the family dog. Barbara has never met
Bowman—hasn't even spoken to him on the phone—but they have been communicating by mail
for years. She denies that she's one of those women who fall in love with
inmates, but she acts so zealously on his behalf that she clearly has
strong feelings for him. Barbara suggests that the whole story of Eliza's
kidnapping was never told, and this veiled threat is what gives I'd Know You
Anywhere its deepest sense of foreboding and suspense. Bowman can't physically harm
Eliza, but he could divulge secrets and turn her life upside down. It's not a
strong hold, but it's enough, especially for someone like Eliza who
has grown into a diffident and aimless adult, a stay-at-home mom who follows her husband wherever
his career takes them. She can't even bear to sleep with the windows open,
though she wasn't taken from the house. Her older sister resents the way their
parents restructured their lives around Eliza. Bowman has been on Death Row longer than any man in Virginia's history and has
expended all possible appeals. He has no hope of ever getting out of prison, but that doesn't mean that
Eliza can't help him in other ways. Bowman tells her
that he only wants to apologize, and he wants Eliza to accept his apology in
person. He suggests that he might reveal the truth about the other girls he
killed, the ones whose bodies were never found and for whose murders he was
never tried, if she grants his request. Because of her unique status as Bowman's
only living victim, Eliza wonders if she owes him anything for sparing her life.
Is she obliged to take
Holly's mother's feelings into account? She establishes
boundaries that she will not cross when speaking to Bowman. Her family is off
limits, for example. Yet, she is increasingly drawn in. I'd Know You Anywhere,
inspired by a true story,
is not a thriller or a suspense novel. The tension is entirely
psychological. It explores a woman with a troubled
past and the ways that one horrible experience formed the person she became as an adult,
and how she can, perhaps, overcome some of her shortcomings. The success of the
novel depends on how willing readers are to accept both versions of Eliza: the
young girl who allowed herself to be controlled and terrified by Bowman, and the
adult woman who is still ceding control of her life to almost everyone around
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