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Onyx reviews: Those Who Wish Me Dead by Michael Koryta
Reviewed by Bev Vincent, 07/29/2014
Ethan Serbin, who taught survival skills in the Air Force (much to his
father's dismay), now conveys those same skills to civilians in the Beartooth
Mountains. He knows his strategies and advice work because he has heard back
from former students who've found themselves in perilous situations and put into
practice the things they learned from him. However, Ethan has never been in
danger himself, so it's all been theoretical. Until now.
One of his former students, a private security consultant, approaches him
with a proposal. She has a teenage boy who witnessed a pair of contract
killings. The boy's life is in jeopardy until he testifies against the
murderers, who are still at large. She and the boy's parents don't trust law
enforcement to keep him safe, so he isn't in the Witness Protection Program. The
best thing would be to get him completely off the grid, and there's no place
farther from civilization than Montana. Jace will join one of Ethan's teenage
wilderness adventures under an assumed name. No one, not even Ethan, will know
which member of the group he is, although he and his wife Allison can't help
trying to guess. There are a lot of dangers in Big Sky Country, where cell
phones are useless and the nearest person might be miles away. A person can fall
while climbing a mountain. He can get lost and die from exposure, thirst or
hunger. There are wild animals and snakes. Being struck by lightning is a very
real possibility. Voracious wildfires can outrun a person. Greater than all
these dangers combined are the Blackwell brothers, a pair of hired killers who
speak to each other around anyone else in their presence, chattier but equally
ruthless versions of the Salamanca cousins from Breaking Bad. They arrive
on the scene shortly after Ethan begins his outing with the boys and immediately
begin laying waste to everyone and everything that crosses their paths. They
don't leave behind witnesses and aren't above starting a forest fire to cover
their tracks. One might be tempted to brand them sociopaths except for their
obvious affection for each other. Once Jace realizes that the killers are on
his trail, he separates from the group. By escaping from them once, he's ahead
of anyone else upon whom the Blackwells have set their targets, but his chances
of survival alone are scant. Still, he's learned a few things from Ethan that
bolster him. Simply being able to start a fire props up his confidence. However,
he's at the center of a near-perfect storm of danger. His only ally is a former
firefighter named Hannah Faber who recently abandoned that career after a poor
decision in the midst of a conflagration led to a horrific outcome. She's now
manning a watch tower and mentally advising her former colleagues when she
detects a spreading fire. Koryta doesn't waste any time laying on the
pressure, and readers might be forgiven for wondering if he can sustain this
sense of pervasive dread for nearly four hundred pages. Fear not: he can and
does. When Ethan is forced to assist the Blackwells in locating Jace in the
wilderness, he runs through a series of scenarios where he might get the upper
hand, only to have his hopes dashed time and time again. The Blackwells are near
perfect killing machines, the kind of men who know intuitively how to position
themselves so an adversary can't get the drop on both of them at the same time.
The body count grows as they close in on their target until only one thing
stands in their way: the raging forest fire they themselves set. For a book of
this size, Those Who Wish Me Dead is a fast read, a taut thriller that
sweeps readers along while simultaneously astonishing with its attention to
setting. Fans of Longmire (either the TV series or the novels by Craig
Johnson) will find themselves in familiar territory, and Koryta paints a
chillingly beautiful portrait of this untouched and lethal territory. He also
manages to surprise and surprise again with plot twists on top of situations of
ultimate peril.
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