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Onyx reviews: Sleepless by Charlie
Little new can be done with the zombie novel beyond completely re-inventing what the word means, which is effectively what Charlie
Huston does in Sleepless. His metaphorical zombies are not resurrected
dead, mindless creatures obsessed with eating living people's brains, thereby
turning them into zombies, too. Huston's zombies are the living victims of
a prion infection called SLP, akin to Mad Cow Disease, that robs them of the ability to
sleep. The resulting chronic insomnia takes about a year to kill its victims.
During this period they undergo a steady degeneration, losing the ability to focus, to remember, to cope.
The disease's method of transmission is unknown—at first it was thought to be
genetic—but it's spreading fast. About 10% of the population is infected when Sleepless opens in
mid-2010. Though people continue to
travel and
Hollywood is still making movies, activities where people congregate in
large numbers—Major League Baseball, for example—have been
cancelled. Domestic terrorists are setting off suicide bombs, and gangs have taken over some neighborhoods. Drug
trafficking is on the rise, especially in the kinds of drugs that the sleepless
take to achieve a measure of relief, mostly uppers and psychotropics. The sleepless are not dangerous per se—many of them spend
their eternal waking hours playing online adventure games, amassing virtual riches and creating avatar characters that are part of an
underground economy—nor are they persecuted.
It's not quite the apocalypse of Cormac McCathy's The Road, but
an apocalypse is on the horizon if the pandemic continues unabated. Martial law is in effect.
Armed enclaves are springing up in the wealthy neighborhoods of southern California where the
book is set. Gas prices have skyrocketed, air conditioning is banned, global
warming is running rampant, and the normally crowded L.A. freeways are veritable
parking lots, with frequent checkpoints where people's embedded id chips are
scanned. A new drug known popularly as DR33M3R or "dreamer," a miracle discovery by Afronzo-New Day Pharma, promises
brief respite for the sleepless. The
pharmaceutical company is gearing up production, but there's no way they can
meet global demand. Authorities are taking every precaution to safeguard
the supply, but they fear that some of it will be diverted into the black
market, where it has the potential to completely destabilize society, perhaps
even cause outright war. This is where Parker Hass enters the story. He is an
undercover LAPD officer, squeaky clean and impervious to corruption, working the narcotics beat.
He's not interested in ecstasy or crack or
any of the other drugs that have permeated society. His prime directive is to
create a network of connections in the drug subculture and be on the lookout for any
indication that DR33M3R is entering the black market. He's deeply embedded and flying
without a net. The only way he can meet with his handlers without blowing his
cover is to get arrested, which happens to him on a regular basis. As if
his life weren't complicated enough, his wife, Rose, is one of the
sleepless, and their newborn daughter Omaha might also have the
disease. Rose is addicted to the online game Chasm Tide, and her sleeplessness often makes her forget crucial details, like the fact that she
left Omaha in the bath, or that they even have a child. Park himself is not sleepless
but over the course of the novel
he does not take the time to sleep, which means that by the end he's almost as
scatterbrained and exhausted as those with the disease. He's driven
and running on fumes. The novel is told from three different viewpoints, for
reasons that will only be explained at the end of the book. Two of the
viewpoints are first
person narrators. One is a man named Jasper, a Vietnam vet who acquires things for wealthy people. His storyline appears at first to be tangential to Park's mission until
he is asked to retrieve something that (although he does not know this) is
currently in Park's possession. Jasper is infinitely resourceful, a killing
machine without fear and with a plan for ever situation. The other narrator is Park
himself—his sections take the form of
a journal that he updates frequently and at length. To distinguish between Park and
Jasper, Huston uses typography: paragraphs in Jasper's sections are
indented whereas those in Park's are not. This structural trick
takes some time for readers to work out, which can lead to confusion. Finally, there is a third person
narrator who recounts the details of Park's life. The book uses other stylistic
tricks that work against the writer. At least Huston has elected to use
quotation marks for dialog, a break with some of his previous books, but the
text is completely devoid of dialog tags. A character does something and then a line of dialog appears
in a new paragraph. This puts a burden on the reader to keep track of who's speaking, and can lead to
confusion. The dialog itself can be problematic. Because many of the characters
are addled by sleeplessness or drugs, their dialog can be borderline incoherent.
They lose their train of thought, stop, start again. Traditionally this kind of
broken dialog is depicted using ellipses, but Huston uses full stop periods,
which makes it very hard to parse some passages. The pacing of the novel
feels unbalanced. Huston defers a lot of characterization until late in the book,
halting forward momentum for lengthy passages of backstory. The story
of Rose and Park's initial meeting and whirlwind romance is revealed in a narrative
chapter between two intense action scenes, and contains information readers should have
learned about the couple much earlier. Park and
Jasper's vectors finally converge, leading to a series of violent
confrontations told in painstaking detail. The
story is inventive enough, and the characters are crisp and deftly drawn, but Sleepless
isn't Huston's best work. Sometimes "clever" style serves only to
obscure substance.
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