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Onyx reviews: The Last Dark
by Stephen R. Donaldson
After more than 35 years, the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant are at last at an
end. The four books that comprise the Final Chronicles alone have taken the
author more than a decade to complete, bringing the total to 10 (although
Donaldson apparently always wanted the First and Second Chronicles to be broken into four
books instead of three). In The Last Dark, all the evils that Thomas
Covenant, his lover Linden Avery and her adoptive son Jeremiah have faced come
home to roost. It's the final curtain call for the Skurj, the Sandgorgons, the Feroce, the lurker of the Sarengrave, the Demondim spawn, Kastenessen and the
blight of Kevin's Dirt that threatens to extinguish all Earthpower, Covenant's
son Roger, the remaining Ravers, She Who Must Not Be Named, Cavewights by the
score, the Worm of the World's End and Lord Foul, who Covenant has faced and
defeated twice in the past. At the beginning of the novel, the team remains
fragmented geographically. Before it ends, everyone will reunite before splitting up once again to
handle the various crises facing the Land. The most conspicuous of these is the
Worm, who is concentrating on the Elohim en route to consuming everything else. As
the Elohim are lost, the stars begin to blink out. Feeding on sources of
Earthpower, the Worm will eventually destroy the already weakened Arch of Time
and release Lord Foul to rule in the chaos that exists after the world ends. Covenant, Linden and Jeremiah
aren't alone in these battles, though. They have the Humbled (Haruchai who have
maimed themselves to resemble Covenant), a group of giants and the ever faithful
Ranyhyn and the Ramen. Also, over the course of the book, Covenant and the others discover
useful magical talents they didn't know they possessed. Covenant
finds a way to convey himself and his followers large distances in a very short
time, and Linden comes up with a dangerous and radical way of obtaining
knowledge of ancient lore necessary to guarantee the Land's future. For his part,
freed of the croyel and Infelice, Jeremiah comes into his own. He's no longer
the autistic or possessed boy that Linden has known. It's like she's getting to
meet the real him for the first time, and he has powers, too, that prove helpful
in their battles. An unexpected source introduces him to the greatest of these
powers at a crucial time. If the main characters lacked a sense of urgency about the Land's impending doom
in the previous book, Against All Things Ending, that's gone now. They are under the gun and
have very little time to dispense with the various threats facing the world that
has become their reality. Their followers don't always understand their choices,
and often counsel alternate actions, but these flawed, human beings generally have an accurate sense of what needs to be done, even if they can't
explain it. Not every foe must be vanquished. Covenant makes an unexpected
alliance with a dangerous creature, thereby slowing the Worm's progress, and
Linden's reckless confrontation with another powerful, destructive entity has an unexpected
outcome. Their battle takes them far and wide to many locations in the Land that
will be familiar from previous books in the series, and ultimately to Mount
Thunder, Lord Foul's demesne. Foul is expecting them, but—as Covenant
often advises—they are capable of surprising the evil Lord by doing the
unexpected. There isn't much breathing room in The Last Dark. The
heroes have no sooner dealt with one batch of enemies when something else shows
up. They also have to battle the elements, darkness, and a lack of water and
food. Linden's healing powers are stretched to their limit as grievous injuries
are inflicted upon their fellowship. New allies show up from time to time (occasionally without much
explanation for why they arrived when they did)—so many, in fact, that
they become simply a list of disposable names. Redshirts, in Star Trek
parlance, or figurative cannon fodder. Someone has to die in these
confrontations, so better it should be characters with whom readers have no
attachment. That's not to say that everyone survives. Battles of this magnitude
require sacrifice, and familiar characters will stand tall and die trying.
Eventually Covenant, Linden and Jeremiah stop flagellating themselves with
uncertainty and doubt, rising to the occasion and wielding the powers everyone
else told them they've always had. It is rewarding to see them cast aside the self-loathing and self-doubt that has plagued them
throughout the series. Covenant still has leprosy, but he now sees it as a boon
rather than a bane, and he allows Linden to heal him from time to time,
something he would never have permitted in the past. And he says what's on his
mind instead of suppressing words that would facilitate understanding and soothe
hurt feelings, whereas in the past his modus operandi was to bite his tongue. He
is the anti-hero become heroic by the end, no longer worthy of the appellation
"Unbeliever." Quite simply, he has gotten over himself. The series ends on a high note. There's a sense that
all's right with the Land, finally. Despite has been expunged and healing can
begin for all.
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