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Onyx reviews: Bad Men by
John Connolly
On the maps it's called Dutch Island, a habitable lump of ground in Casco Bay
off the coast of Maine, but the locals call it by its original name: Sanctuary.
In the late 17th century, the island's settlers were massacred and the very soul
of Sanctuary took that injury upon itself. Since then, a tangible force keeps
watch over the island, protecting it against anything similar happening again.
Joe Dupree is Dutch Island's chief of police, but he is also the guardian of the
island's history, which has been passed down through the generations. He and
some of the other island old-timers feel a storm brewing and can only wonder
from what direction it will come. Strange, inexplicable things have started to
occur that can only be harbingers that the ancient spirits are becoming
The approaching storm is named Edward Moloch, a soulless thief, rapist and
killer who escaped from prison with the assistance of some of his former
henchmen. Now that he is free, Moloch has one thing on his mind: revenge on his
ex-wife, who turned him in to the police. He gathers a team of like-minded
sociopaths and they leave a trail of bodies in their wake as Moloch casts about
the east coast for her whereabouts. Ultimately they home in on Portland, Maine
and the coastal island where she has taken refuge with their son. Something
draws Moloch to Sanctuary—he dreams of it before he even knows it exists. Once
the bad men arrive on the island, communication with the mainland is
mysteriously cut off and a fog descends that only enhances the island's already
confusing landscape.
It's hard to pin a label on Bad Men. It's a supernatural thriller, but the
paranormal elements are downplayed, almost as if they arise as a force of
nature. In novels where ancient evils get riled up after years of dormancy,
usually untold horrors occur, but Irish novelist Connolly depicts human beings
who are, in many ways, far more terrible than the wraiths who protect the virtue
of Sanctuary.
Some may claim that Bad Men treads upon Stephen King territory and, at first
glance, there may be some commonalities: deftly drawn characters fight awesome
evils in rural Maine. Connolly, though, is very much his own writer and if he
ventures into territory already occupied by another writer, perhaps it is in
His usual series protagonist, detective Charlie Parker, makes only a cameo
appearance. The star is Dupree, the despondent police chief, a man of enormous
proportions—over seven feet tall and as massive as Nero Wolfe—who is fondly
known by locals as Melancholy Joe. Of late he has taken an interest in island
newcomer Marianne Elliott, who begrudgingly returns the interest. She has many
secrets that keep her from committing to a relationship. Primary among them is
the fact that she's the ex-Mrs. Moloch and she has a satchel of stolen money in
her attic.
Bad Men isn't subtle when it comes to violence. Connolly doesn't shy away from
depicting villainy. He counters this, though, by populating the book with a
series of intriguing and mostly good characters, and he devotes care to even
relatively minor subjects. Still, he doesn't pull any punches when it comes to
the fates of many of his creations and not everyone that readers become fond of
over the course of this gripping and entertaining novel will make it to the last
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