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Onyx reviews: The Gods of Guilt by
Michael Connelly
A man who manages websites for escorts—essentially an online pimp—hires
Mickey Haller to defend him against charges that he murdered one of his clients
after she refused to pay him his cut for one of her assignations. The pimp,
Andre La Cosse, was referred to Mickey by someone from his past, a prostitute
with many aliases who he knew as Gloria Dayton. As it turns out, she's the
victim, but she had told La Cosse that if he was ever in serious trouble he
should track Mickey down. Mickey is the Lincoln Lawyer from the
novel of the same name, last seen in The Fifth
Witness. He doesn't have an office but instead works out of the back of his
town car and poaches WiFi from Starbucks stores. A movie was made about him,
starring Matthew McConaughey, both in real life and in Mickey's reality, giving
rise to so many copycats that Mickey sometimes finds himself getting into the
wrong car. He has two ex-wives (one of whom works with him) and a teenage
daughter who refuses to speak to him because he successfully defended a drunk
driver who subsequently killed one of her classmates in a DUI accident, an
incident which also scuttled his campaign to become District Attorney. His law
practice is usually teetering on the edge of financial insolvency, he advertises
on bus stops and park benches, and isn't averse to resorting to the kinds of
tactics that Saul Goodman from Breaking Bad would be comfortable using.
With the economy recovering, his once-booming sideline of handling foreclosures
is in decline. A murder case involving a client who has a stockpile of gold
bullion is just what he needs. While preparing an alternate theory to present
to the jury—a "straw man" defense meant to create reasonable
doubt—Mickey comes to believe his client is innocent, a rare situation in
his experience, and his alternate theory may, in fact, be the truth. The
"Pretty Woman" hotel call-out to which the dead prostitute responded
looks like a set-up, and she was followed after her date failed to show up.
Other details of the murder reinforce La Cosse's story, but his client admitted
to police that he had a physical altercation with the deceased the evening of
her murder, so Mickey has a tough case on his hands. Things get especially
complicated when the murder appears connected with Mickey's last involvement
with Dayton. He arranged a plea deal for her previous arrest in which she agreed
to testify against a drug dealer. Her testimony sent the man to prison for life,
so it's possible he was seeking revenge, even though it seems unlikely that he'd
wait so many years. Authorities keep warning Mickey away from certain lines of
investigation, which makes him only more determined to see where they lead.
Along the way he finds himself tangled up with a shady DEA agent, a prosecutor's
investigator, a cartel hit man and a corrupt, disbarred lawyer serving time in
prison. Long-time readers of Connelly's novels will know that Mickey Haller is
Harry Bosch's half-brother. Bosch makes an obligatory but brief cameo in the
novel (a scene that will be expanded upon in a forthcoming short story). Bosch
is dark and brooding, whereas Haller is just brooding. He thought he had done
well by Dayton in the past, that he'd helped set her on a new course, but it
turns out that his assistance had done little for her. He's also distraught by
the breakdown in his relationship with his daughter. He spends far too much time
alone in bars, so it's good to see him establishing a new relationship in this
book, even if his lover is sketchily drawn. Readers, too, get little sense of
who his client is, because the case has little to do with La Cosse. Though
Connelly is best known for his police novels, he gives John Grisham a run for
his money in The Gods of Guilt, which is by far the best of the Haller
books to date. The title refers to Haller's father's name for juries, who daily
evaluate the guilt or innocence of the people before them. There is a lot of
legal wrangling in this book as Haller and his team file motions and build their
case. One of the problems with a Perry Mason style trial, though, is that once
readers understand that the defense lawyer has the perfect strategy to get his
client off, some of the suspense dissipates. Haller does have setbacks, both in
the courtroom and outside of it—one is particularly devastating—but
he has all the tools he needs to demolish the prosecution. It's mostly a matter
of choosing the right time to set off the little and big explosions for maximum
effect. The big question, though, is whether Haller can overcome his own
guilt, for he sits in judgment of his past and the repercussions of his actions
on those near and dear to him.
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