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Onyx reviews: FaceOff edited by David Baldacci
Reviewed by Bev Vincent, 05/03/2014
Ever since people wondered who would win in a battle between Superman and
Batman, readers have been asking each other what would happen if certain fictional
characters were paired up. Unfortunately, the intricacies of publishing
contracts usually makes such meetings impossible.
Along came the ITW (International Thriller Writers) with an idea for an
anthology that would pair up thriller authors and their hallmark characters.
Because the stories are donated to benefit the organization, all of the
legalistic complexities fall away. All that's left is for the respective duos to figure out how to get their characters together in a thrilling
In his general introduction to the anthology, Baldacci does not reveal how
the duos (or, in one case, trio) were matched up, but in the prefaces to the
individual stories he does give a peek behind the curtain at how the teams
approached and wrote the stories. Usually the first decision to be made was who
would be the "home team" and who would play away. Would Harry Bosch go
to Boston, or Patrick Kenzie to Los Angeles? Ian Rankin's Rebus rarely strays
far from Edinburgh, but Peter James's Roy Hardy is at the
other end of the British Isles, in Brighton. Occasionally, the solution was to
send both characters away, on a deep sea fishing trip to Mexico, for
example. When Joseph Finder and Lee Child pair up, their hallmark
characters, Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees fans respectively, handle a
difficult situation while their teams battle it out on the TV screen in the bar
where they happen to encounter each other.
Some of the eleven stories are straight crime tales, others fit the bill of
"thriller" more closely. A couple cross into the supernatural realm,
as with F. Paul Wilson and Heather Graham's collaboration, which involves a
trinket with enticing but dangerous powers. The strangest pairing is between
Agent Pedergast, created by Preston and Child, and the ventriloquist dummy that
haunts some of R.L. Stine's books. At first the story seems to be undoing
everything Preston and Child did with their near-superhuman character. The stakes
can be fairly routine—bringing in a wanted criminal—or the fate of
humanity can be at risk, such as when a bad guy with a new toxin or a biological
agent is at large.
The zippers in the monster suits are well hidden; the authors have done a
good job of blending their styles together so that the resulting stories don't
resemble patchwork quilts. Though the title might lead readers to think that the
interactions between the characters will be antagonistic, for the most part the
detectives, agents and ordinary citizens get along, though they are generally
wary of each other at first. Usually they recognize something about themselves
in the other character at first sight. Not all of the characters are famous:
Linwood Barclay, for example, does not have a regular series protagonist, so he
plucks someone from one of his books and drops him off at a rest stop with his
ten year old daughter where someone is set on fire at the gas pumps.
Readers may not be familiar with all of the contributors or their characters,
but that's half the point of a book like this: to provide enough of a taste so
that readers may seek out other works by the authors. Every story doesn't hit it
out of the park, and one or two outstay their welcome by a few pages (the dictum
in thriller fiction is get into the story quickly and get out fast once its
over), but it's at least an interesting experiment even when it doesn't work
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