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If you would like to have a book signed and/or personalized, please alert me by e-mail and I’ll let you know how to send the book to me.

Please specify to whom you would like the book inscribed and where you would like the autograph to appear. For short stories, I prefer to sign the story itself rather than at the front, but it’s up to you.
All books sent for signing must be accompanied by a return addressed mailer bearing sufficient postage. Note that metered postage cannot be used for this purpose as the USPS will not accept packages with metered postage if the postmark date is not current. Only real lick-em-and-stick-em stamps will do for the return postage. I don’t make the rules, I just pass ’em on!
Note also that the return stamps must be U.S. stamps. I can’t use Canadian or European stamps. If you live outside of the country, you can purchase U.S. stamps online.
To quote the eminent Joe R. Lansdale’s web site, “Books, magazines, etc., containing Mr. Lansdale’s work, sent without return postage, will be designated a gift and will be kept or disposed of in the manner Mr. Lansdale chooses. Selling the items is a favorite choice.”
Sounds like a reasonable policy to me!
As a less expensive alternative, just send me your mailing address, and I’ll mail you a signed bookplate similar to the one pictured above that you can stick inside your book for free!