Still zero. Slap some skis or skates on us and we’re golden. Not sure what to do with this liquid water stuff. Does that happen often?
I’m tearing through Red Dragon, making notes in the margin so I can find stuff when I go back through it for the essay I’m going to write. I splurged on a used paperback from ABEbooks so I could mark it up. I did something similar when I wrote The Road to the Dark Tower. You should see my copies of the first four books. They’re highlighted in several different colors, with tons o’ notes in the margins.
I stumbled across an old episode of The Closer that I hadn’t seen before. It’s the one where Provenza and his colleague find a body in Provenza’s garage and decide not to miss the baseball game they have skybox seats for, opting to come back and re-discover the body later. Only it’s not there when they get back. Made a good bookend to this week’s episode where Provenza’s car is stolen with all the evidence in an open-and-shut case in the trunk. I guess I hadn’t realized that I missed an entire season of the show.
I was surprised that Jerry broke his back to win the veto on Big Brother and then didn’t use it. I guess he just planned to make sure he had a bully pulpit so he could vent his spleen on Dan. I’m hoping Libra goes, but so much can change in that house in 48 hours that nothing is a sure thing.