I finished my review of Martin Cruz Smith’s Stalin’s Ghost and posted it to Onyx last night. I haven’t updated the index page yet because I’m still working on two reviews I hope to get posted by the end of the week.
I’ve read at least half of MCS’s novels, and I was simply astonished by the writing quality in Stalin’s Ghost. Has he always been this good, I asked myself. I’ll have to go back and peruse some of his earlier books.
I’m into Chapter 6 of the novel I’m working on and past the 20% point of the intended word count. I had a dream last night that I finished the book, but it was only 35,000 words long. I think that qualifies as a nightmare, perhaps reflecting my fears that I’m going to run out of story at some point. So far I’m chugging along, but I’m approaching the point where I’m going to be leaping off the high board, hoping there’s enough water in the pool to catch me.
Last night, network TV wasn’t a wasteland—it was Death Valley. I watched Antiques Roadshow purely for ambushment, and that’s it. Only another week or so until LOST comes back to save us from this drought.
Check out the latest news at News From the Dead Zone, freshly updated just a few minutes ago. Links galore1!
1 “galore” is one of those rare adjectives that only appears after the noun