Now that Nate and Jen are gone from The Amazing Race, instant karma can win the day. We’re left with the father/daughter team, the grandfather/grandson team, and the mellowest dating couple ever (though some have accused them of passive aggression on occasion. I was rooting for TK and Rachel to come from behind, and they did so without much trouble. They started the most recent leg three hours behind everyone else and also had a Speed Bump to contend with—and they still managed to come in second out of four. This weekend is the grand finale and I wouldn’t mind if any of the teams win. They’ve all run good races and seem to have truly grown during the race instead of imploding like Nate and Jen did.
Last night I produced the audio version of my upcoming Storytellers Unplugged essay. I’ve skipped doing this for the past two months, but I had some extra time on my hands so I decided to get back on the podcast bandwagon. It took a lot longer than it should have because I was having a lot of trouble with my microphone. I ended up with more popping than I like. I found a few typos in my print copy while recording the podcast, so I was able to fix those up before it goes live on Thursday.
I woke up early this morning, so I had a little extra writing time to work on the novel, and ended up very close to the 8500 word mark and over 1500 words for the morning. I imported a little bit of material from the short story that was the basis for this novel, which helped me along in terms of word count, though I had to revise that old material extensively so it’s not much different from writing it from scratch. According to my target, I’m over 10% of the way through the first draft in just over a week.
The sensation is beginning to return to the middle finger on my right hand after our bowling adventure last weekend. The left side of the finger was completely numb on Sunday, mostly numb yesterday and still feeling a little strange this morning. I found a ball with larger finger holes after the first game, and figured out that I was holding the ball wrong after about the third game, but by then the damage had already been done. In Canada, the bowling balls I used didn’t have any holes and they were only slightly larger then the palm of the hand.