We had occasional rain over the weekend, but nothing nearly like the previous days. We’re not out of the soggy woods yet. In nine days we have 3″ more than average rainfall or four times average as much, depending on how you want to look at it.
I did two complete editing passes on the story in progress. The first pass was drastic—I completely reformulated one of the basic style elements of the story. Then I did a polishing pass and it now sits at 4444 words, which has a nice symmetry about it, especially after the 7/7/7 weeekend.
Watched episode 2 of Big Brother last night. There sure are some whiny people in the house this year. Drama queen who cried over her photograph on the eviction wall. The blonde half of the high-school nemesis duo. I’m thinking the gay ex-couple could go homicidal at some point—there’s some simmering hatred going on there. I’d like to know more about the father/daughter “team” to understand why she is so distant from him—especially when she confesses she can’t remember why she stopped talking to him. They did a good job of proving her point about the name dropping with selective editing. I understand Kail’s logic for choosing her two potential evictees, but I think her attempt to fly below the radar will come back to get her at some point. She was a little too logical and everyone will see what she’s trying to do.
I received a copy of Sides from Cemetery Dance last week, so I’ve been sampling Peter Straub’s collected non-fiction in small doses. So far it’s mostly been introductions — to books by Lawrence Block, Caitlin Kiernan, Poppy Z. Brite, Stephen King. Some deep thinking going on there, that’s for sure.