
New DSL modem arrived last night, so all is right with the world again. I didn’t miss out on any e-mail during the time since I have access through other means, but it felt good to get the build-up cleaned away from the web-based mail server. I felt so unorganized during the past week. I like having all my e-mails in their proper folders on my desktop.

Didn’t do much writing this morning, but I got a story submitted to the Chiaroscuro contest, so I guess that’s something.

Another box of signature pages showed up on the doorstep last night, so I have some handwriting ahead of me for the weekend.

So, Curt Shilling came within one out of a no-hitter. Ouch—that’s gotta hurt. Nonetheless, he still played the entire game and got a 1-0 win to end a 4-game losing streak for the team, so he shouldn’t mind all that much.

I started The Friends of Meager Fortune by Canadian author David Adams Richards last night. Took me back to my roots. I’m looking forward to delving into this book.

I received my DVD set from the 2007 Edgar Conference and watched Hardcase Crime’s Charles Ardai interview Stephen King. King talked quite a bit about Duma Key, which will be published early next year. One of the more interesting revelations was that he once wanted to write a Travis McGee (John D. MacDonald) novel called Chrome. MacDonald’s son and literary executor wouldn’t give permission, though. The book was going to start with Meyer getting shot on the beach while he and Trav were out for a walk and go on with Trav’s investigation into who was the real target of the shooting.

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