The mind’s eye

It’s only going to be 97° tomorrow. What a relief.

I’m a thousand words into the new story I wrote about last time. Yesterday, while on the elliptical, I managed to sketch out the bones of the plot, so I now know where it’s all going. That’s not the normal way for me. I usually start each day’s writing unsure where I’m heading. Of course there’s always a possibility that I’ll discover something different as I write, but in this case I don’t think so. The mental plot seems perfect for the story I want to tell. The question remains how well I’ll be able to capture in words what I want to say. As I tweeted this morning, “I do my best writing when I’m nowhere near a pen or a keyboard. If only I could set down on paper what my mind’s eye sees so vividly.”

I’m fascinated by the similarities and differences between The Bridge and it’s Scandinavian predecessor Bron. For example, the bit with the wallet played out almost exactly the same in both, with only slight differences in the chronology. The bit with the iron, too, except for the desert scene. The story of the shoplifter who seeks refuge in the other country, though, has a much different trajectory. In Bron, the runaway ends up staying with the guy for a few days. He has no bad intentions toward her. Also, Saga’s sister committed suicide, whereas Sonya’s sister was killed by someone else, or so it seems.

I’m taking part in the next Horror Writers Association Roundtable this Sunday evening at 8 pm Eastern/7 pm Central. The theme is “the continuing impact of Stephen King.” Rocky Wood, Michael Collings and I will talk among ourselves for the first thirty minutes. Between 8:30 and 9:30 Eastern, we will respond to anything the audience wants to ask or comment upon. Drop by and see what it’s all about, if you have time. See more about the process here:

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