The Blizzard of ’11

The worst recorded snowfall in Houston’s history likely occurred on Feb. 14 -15, 1895. In all, the city received about 20 inches of snow. (Click the photo for a larger version.) Measurable amounts of snow would not be recorded again in Houston until 1912. We’re not going to get anything like that (I think), but they’re still predicting up to as much as 4 or 5″ between now and tomorrow. I’ve lived here for 21 years and I’ve never seen more than a few flurries hit the ground. We’ve had a couple of very bad ice storms, but never what I consider “snowfall.” Should be interesting. Continental has already announced plans to shut down flights out of IAH starting at 3 p.m. today until noon tomorrow. Seems like a bit of an overreaction to me, but we’ll see.

I managed 700 words this morning, bringing the total to 4000. I should be able to finish the first draft by the end of the weekend.

Today is the first day of the Year of the Rabbit, if you keep track of such things. “Money can be made without too much labor. Our life style will be languid and leisurely as we allow ourselves the luxuries we have always craved for. A temperate year with unhurried pace. For once, it may seem possible for us to be carefree and happy without too many annoyances.” Sounds good to me.

Law & Order: SVU was low on the preaching content and it had the always awesome Colm Feore (Storm of the Century) as a guest star. The Canadian actor (see, there’s another one) got to brush off his French in a few scenes. He played a rather smug billionaire (is there any other kind?) who pulled every trick in the book to get out from under a rape accusation, including reporting that he himself had been raped instead. Question: do the detectives spy on their captain with that little parabolic device all the time? Second question: did that guy on the airplane press charges against the doofus who decided to turn vigilante and bash his head into the luggage compartment? Robert Klein was there, too, as Feore’s lawyer, though his part wasn’t given much to do beyond the obvious.

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