Monthly Archives: April 2010

This is not a Gaiman

Last year I read a book called This is Not a Game by Walter Jon Williams. In the opening scenes, a puppetmaster who has been running a hugely successful ARG finds herself trapped in Indonesia after the country’s currency collapses and … Continue reading

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I Pity the Fool

Made another editing pass through the new short story this morning, and ended up right at about 2900 words at the end. Then I posted the opening paragraph on Tom Piccirilli’s Yay or Nay Thursday thread on Facebook and immediately … Continue reading

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Big Bang Boom

It’s amazing how many extraneous words end up in the first draft of my stories. The one I finished yesterday came in at 3250 words, well over the upper limit for the market of 3000. Given that I wanted to … Continue reading

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Truth or Dare

All it takes is a few minutes on the phone with someone from Eastern Canada to make me feel nostalgic for that part of the world. I had to call a company in Halifax today–the accent of the person on … Continue reading

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Uptown Gene

I didn’t quite make it to the end of the short story in progress this weekend, but I’m almost there. About 500 words left to go, tops. Tomorrow, no doubt, unless I get bogged down revising what I’ve already written, … Continue reading

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Date Night

I spent yesterday at the Houston Writers Guild conference. After an hour-long Q&A panel with the three agents in attendance (one from Seattle, one from D.C. and one from NYC), the group broke into two tracks. I spent the day … Continue reading

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Seeing my breath — at least I’m still breathing

After the cold front came through the night before last, the temperature dipped into the upper forties overnight. It was cool enough that I could see my breath when I went out to get the newspaper this morning. I managed … Continue reading

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All Hail

The weather last fall and earlier this spring was ideal for the wildflowers. Cool winter, lots of rain, so they are in full bloom. It’s always nice to see. We had a suprise hail storm last night, though. They predicted … Continue reading

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Paradise Lost: It’s about time

I put down a few hundred more words on the story in progress this morning, but I spent most of my time doing research so I could add a little bit of verisimilitude to the description of the setting. I … Continue reading

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Infinite feedback

If I write a blog entry about a blog entry that references my blog entry, will I tie the internet in knots? I’m getting back into my routine after the trip to WHC and the long weekend. Hit the pool … Continue reading

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