Shaggy Dog Story
Jazma online updated the interview I did with them to include a number of images, including a photo of me with my good buddy Glenn Chadbourne taken when I was in Portland a number of years ago for a Road to the Dark Tower book signing.
The entire epiosde of C.S.I. last night was a shaggy dog story that built up to the inevitable punny punch line: don’t drive angry. Made me laugh out loud. I also laughed at the way Cho handled being interviewed on The Mentalist last night. His delivery is so deadpan serious at times that it cracks me up. “What your point?” I’m not sure when Patrick was supposed to have figured out who the killer was–was his standoffishness an indication that he knew from the very beginning or was his explanation to Lisbon for real? Speaking of Lisbon–how did she ever get the job as the head of that division of CBI? Seriously.
Fringe was suitably creepy last night, with its Green Mile-esque special effects. No one picked up on Walter’s anguished lament that he wasn’t going to let Peter die again. Tyne Daly was good on Burn Notice, especially in the scene when she was sitting in Michael’s mother’s living room, a little bit tipsy–that giggle. Too bad we didn’t really get to see the resolution of that plot–Michael’s early morning burglary tidied it up from a practical standpoint, but we didn’t get to see the human resolution.
Only 11 more days until the beginning of the final season of Lost. I’m just saying.
This weekend I hope to get a good start on the short story I’ve been thinking about for a while. Still need to do some more research, but I can at least get the opening scene down on the page since I’ve been running it in my head like a film on a loop for a couple of weeks.
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